Sanctuary Way

7 Aug 2013: Sandhurst Military Academy: About 50 Rotarians, family and friends had a priveledged all-day visit to Sandhurst on the occasion of the final dress rehearsal for the summer Passing-Out parade. Follow this link for more.

3 Aug 2013: Battle Prom Picnic Concert, Highclere Castle. A group of 14 Rotarians, spouses and family enjoyed a perfect summer evening at the hugely successful Battle Prom Concert at Highclere Castle. Follow this link for more.

24 Jul 2013: Presenting awards at Welford & Wickham School. President Annabel King presented the Rotary Sports Cups and tokens at their Leavers' Ceremony. Follow this link for more.

7-13 Jul 2013: Hungerford Rotary Cycle Challenge. The inaugural Hungerford Rotary Cycle Challenge took place in July. Cyclists journeyed from Hungerford to Ligueil and back, enjoying the fantastic countryside of England and France, in particular, the Loire Valley. Follow this link for more.

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Committee Archives for 2015 - 2016


Rotary Sponsored Bike Ride 12th May 2018


Events involving Rotarians but occurring outside of Rotary.
