Polish Heritage Day

President Eric Milne and Duncan MacDonald enjoying Polish Heritage Day

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Rotary Cycle Training Track

more Inverness Culloden Rotary Club have submitted a proposal for inclusion in the Torvean and Ness-side Development plan. The proposal is for a children’s cycle training track to be included in the plan as part of the community development

Roger Hoskins Trophy 2018

more Roger Hoskins Speaker Competition

Malawi Clean Water Project

more Malawi Paintings for Sale

February 2012 walk

Club Walks

more Culloden Rotary Club members undertake a number of social walks throughout the year. A selection of photos follows

Bravehound charity cheque presentation

more Mick McConnell being presented with a cheque for the Bravehound charity by president-elect James Milton. Mick suffered injuries from an IED while on patrol.

Oxygen Works

more Inverness Culloden Rotary Club has raised and donated £500 to The Oxygen Works

Wishing well collection

more Collection at Simpson's Garden Centre in aid of Action for Children Scotland

Sam Douglas

more Past President Eric Milne shown presenting a cheque to Nicola McAlley in support of her nephew Sam Douglas

Inverness Highland Games 2018

more Shelter Box, Nail in the Bale, The Keysafe, and the Wheel of Fortune

Duncan Forbes pupils year 5 and 6

Gruffalo Litter Pick

more Gruffalo litter picking carried out on Friday 17th March between 11.00 and 12.30 with Duncan Forbes primary 5 and 6 helping

President's Quaich

more Duncan MacDonald receiving the President's Quaich from outgoing President John Harrison This is in recognition of the member making the greatest contribution to club activities over the past Rotary year

Highland Games 2017

more Some photos from the Highland Games 2017 at the Bught Park, Inverness

The four finalists and judges

2015 Masterchef Competition

more Secondary School Masterchef Competition for all ages from Inverness Secondary Schools

Wheelbarrow Grand Prix 2018

more Wheelbarrow Grand Prix 2018

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