Speaker Kevin Morley Saltergate Children's Home Ethiopia

Wed, Jul 17th 2024 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Kevin will update us on the continued success of the charity and it's ever growing band of happy children. Speaker Finder Mike Clewes, Visitors Host Grace & Banners Alan Arthur, Cash Desk Mike Clewes

In his latest update Kevin sent the photographs above and said: -

Photo 1 ‘And what have I got - why am I alive anyway? What have I got - nobody can take away? Got my hair, got my head, got my brains, got my eyes, got my ears got my nose got my mouth - I got my smile!’ Looking good little Helen - kindergarten next. 

Photo 2 100 chicks a laying, 9 cows a mooing, 3 sheep a bleating, 2 goats a skipping and one hero Ambes working wonders on our farm. No partridges or pear trees though but we’re working on it. More animals = more income = more children off the street.

Photos 3 and 4 Before and after pictures of Tadalu. Last time I spoke of how we helped Tadalu and her children who were living under plastic bags in the street. Materials bought, villagers finished building the house, Tadalu and her children sleeping under a roof - smiles all round.

Photo 5 Our Mebrat’s been on ‘get them ready for school’ duty for a few weeks and Eyob, Abanezer, Yohannes and Yabsera are ready to go …have a great day lads.

Photo 6 Kind folks knit blankets, jumpers and hats for us to take to Ethiopia for the children we care for and Yohannis couldn’t be happier in his cardigan of many colours. 

Photo 8 Sent a picture in 2019 of a very frightened 12 year old who didn’t think she would make it to 13. We helped and Mehat was 17 a couple of weeks ago. And she is not frightened anymore. Dress by our Fasika, make up by our Peniel, bit of care by Saltergate Children’s Home, Ethiopia. 

Photo 9 Please meet little brothers Eyob and Beni who we agreed to care for last month and they slept in a proper bed for the first time. ‘I think we’re going to be alright with these folks Beni.’ A lot of kind folks now helping them on their journey and last week another first for them. We got them a place in a classroom and they went through the school gates for the first time. Many more firsts to come Eyob and Beni.

Photo 10 And … sent a picture 4 years ago of a bereaved, very sad and very sick (HIV+) Melat whose parents had died. We agreed to help - meds and education sorted then beautician training and now earning a bob or two with her kit of henna, nail varnish and creams. Joyful teenager on the road to independence - things can always be done. 

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