Speaker Kashif Naqshbandi - The Noor Foundation

Wed, Jun 23rd 2021 at 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Kashif told us a bit about The Noor Foundation to which we recently made a donation. The meeting was be held by Zoom video conference.

Club members please log in for more information.

Kashif along with his father Asghar told us a bit about The Noor Foundation which provides free kidney dialysis treatments in Pakistan that keep 1,700 destitute people alive. The charity was set up by Asghar in memory of his wife and Kashif's mother Noor.

Kidney disease is one of the biggest killers anywhere in the world. One person in every 100 will die from kidney failure if it is not treated properly. In countries like Pakistan, very few dialysis centres exist. Those that do are located in the main cities, away from where most of the population lives. Those that cannot get to these centres simply die.

The charity collects about £100,000 in the UK from donors which pays for new equipment and spares and repairs. Then another £150,000 in Pakistan from local philanthropists that pays for the ongoing costs of consumables. The facilities are provided by local small hospitals who also provide the staff.

Each hospital has two separate dialysis rooms - one for patients who have hepatitis C and the other for people who do not. Kidney disease is more prevalent in South Asian people although the exact reason why has not been established. A patient receives 9 treatments a month for life.

For more information please see their web site at http://www.noorfoundation.org

Some interesting facts from their web site: -

No of Free Dialysis Centres: 20
Diaylsis Machines: 184
Total cost of machines: £1.8m
Free dialyses / month: 15,300
Free dialyses / year: 184,000

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