Successful walk in aid of Marie Curie

Wed, Mar 31st 2021 at 8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Robert Allan has done an average of more than 12,500 steps per day against his goal of 10,000 steps to raise funds for the Marie Curie Hospice in Bradford. Please sponsor him by following the links on the Details page.

Robert's End of Challenge Report

Well, my task is completed and here are the last 3 days steps:-
29th March -    4,686
30th March -  20,005
31st March -  19,094

I think, therefore, over the entire month, according to my Fit Bit, I have done 390,184 steps which given 31 days shows an average of 12,586.5 steps per day. Even if my Fit Bit is, therefore, a bit out of kilter, I think no one can argue I haven't met the challenge of 10,000 steps per day.

Although it is irrelevant to this, I am advised by Fit Bit that given my height, 10,000 steps equate to 5 miles or just a little under, so I've walked a few miles.

I hope that you all will ensure the best financial outcome for Marie Curie as, after all, that is the purpose.

I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the walks I have done and I think I can honestly say I have not done exactly the same walk twice throughout the whole month. It has been lovely when people have joined me for a walk to accompany Wilf (Robert's dog) and myself and on most occasions the weather has been kind to us and those joining me have expressed their enjoyment at the nature of the walks we have undertaken and the scenery.  I am extremely lucky to live where I do, so near to a large expanse of open, quiet countryside.
From my records I think I only failed on 8 days out of the month when I did less that 10,000 steps on that day and on some walks, I did considerably more, hence at the end of the time I was 80,000+ steps ahead of the required 10,000 steps per day average.

The Reason for the Walk

Usually in March each year members collect at one of the local supermarkets for the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal on behalf of the Bradford Hospice. This year that is not possible because of the pandemic so member Robert Allan has volunteered to walk an average of 10,000 steps a day during the month of March for a total of 310,000 steps (around 155 miles in total). He lives on the edge of Rombalds Moor so called because of the legendary giant Rombald who was supposed to roam its wild terrain and will undertake the majority of his walk across its many trails. Part of this moorland encompasses the famous Ilkley Moor.

What this money means to Marie Curie

£20 pays for an hour of expert care and emotional support from a Marie Curie nurse for someone living with a terminal illness in the comfort of their own home
£25 pays for a bereavement counsellor (for an hour) to listen, soothe and support someone who’s grieving
£32 pays for a call to our Support Line
£400 pays for someone to stay in our hospice for a day and night
£500 pays to train a nurse or Healthcare Assistant for a year, so they have the knowledge and expertise to give quality care to those who need it.

In the past Robert along with other members has also organised and undertaken long distance sponsored walks where proceeds have gone to Marie Curie in Bradford. These have included the Dalesway, Hadrian's Wall and the Cleveland Way. All of these were in range 75 to 100 miles. But this challenge will involve walking more than 150 miles to achieve his goal.

Robert's efforts have been picked up by the Telegraph and Argus and the story with pictures can be read here "Here's why Robert will walk 10,000 steps every day in March"
and here: -
Keighley man Robert steps up to help Bradford Marie Curie hospice

Marie Curie have done a link about this challenge. To view it click here - Robert Allan Steps Into Spring.
  and here
He is doing well to attract funds to his Just Giving page but the hospice needs all the funds it can get so please give generously. You too can sponsor him by following the link to the Just Giving page. Any donations sent here will automatically be forwarded to Marie Curie Bradford Hospice along with Gift Aid if applicable: or see below for further ways to donate.

Alternatively, you can donate direct to Marie Curie via bank transfer to:
NatWest Account Name: Marie Curie
Account Number: 30484979
Sort Code: 60 40 05
Ref: 8788449

Or by sending cheques direct to the hospice: -
Attn Amanda Warrent (Ref: 8788449 )
Marie Curie Hospice Bradford
Maudsley Street

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