Speaker Cllr Richard Dunbar

Wed, Feb 24th 2021 at 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Cllr Dunbar updated us about the Bradford’s City of Culture bid, and the council’s response/management of the Covid situation. The meeting was be held by Zoom video conference.

Club members please log in for more information.

Abely assisted by Si Cunningham Cllr dunbar updated us on the progress being made on the attempt being made to get Bradford named as the City of Culture for 2025. The Bradford Bid for UK City of Culture 2025 web site can be found here   https://bradford2025.co.uk/  You can also watch a short video from the bid team here - Bradford City of Culture Bid 2025

The councillor also updated us on the situation around Coronavirus in Bradford. As of last week there were still 198 cases per 100,000 population which is quite high compared to the national average.or even the Yorkshire average of 155. However the good news was that infection rates were down 29.8% in those aged over 65.Bradford Council advice on the Corona virus pandemic can be found here https://www.bradford.gov.uk/health/health-advice-and-support/coronavirus-covid-19-advice/

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Ken Senior

This is the page for the President's thoughts for his year of office.


This committee is responsible for finding new members and retaining existing members.


This committee deals with all local projects in our community.


Coming under Community this part of the group exists to undertake environmental projects on behalf of the club.


This committee deals with international projects and disaster relief work.


This committee provides the link with Rotary Internationals main charitable trust which primarily deals with projects having a global nature.


Rotary is not just about doing good deeds but also about enjoying yourself and this committee organises social activities. This page contains an archive of some of our activities.


This committee works with the other committees to help them raise funds for their individual projects to support charities locally, nationally and internationally.


This is the vehicle that donates the money that we have raised to the various good causes that we support. Its official name is The Rotary Club Of Bradford Blaize Trust Fund and its registered number with the Charity Commission is 514621.


This committee organises social events and deals with the day to day running of the club.


This committee exists to provide PR and communications between the members and also to provide links to non members through the web site and Facebook.
