Visit to Jervaulx Abbey

Wed, Aug 15th 2018 at 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

6 Blaize Rotarians together with wives and friends visited Jervaulx Abbey. Keith Brown had organised a tour which was conducted by the owner Ian Burdon.

Ian led us on a very interesting tour giving us the history of the abbey, which is the largest ruined abbey in private ownership. He also gave us a unique view of his own family's history and the considerable work that he has put into preserving this scheduled monument. In the early days grants were available from English heritage but over the last 10 years these have dried up and Ian has continued on using only money that he has been able to raise from visitors to the abbey. He is to be commended for the work that he has done to turn the monument from the most dangerous structure in England to its current preserved state. He explained that it is always his goal to preserve it with the vegetation growing on the walls rather than as a stark ruin denuded of vegetation.

After the tour we had lunch in the abbey Tea Room followed by a visit to the Ice Cream Parlour at Brymor for one of their tasty ice creams.

For more information about the Abbey please visit their web site at: -

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