Club visit to District 1040 Conference

Fri, Oct 7th 2016 at 1:00 pm- Sun, Oct 9th 2016 - 3:00 pm

President Tony led a group of Blaize Rotarians to visit District 1040 Conference in Scarborough.

On the weekend of Fri Sat and Sun 7thto 9th October, 640 Rotarians, partners and friends attended the Rotary International,1040 District, Conference at the Spa complex in Scarborough.

The Bradford Blaize team consisted of 6 members and their partners.

President Tony Ashton and five past presidents, Providing a substantial presence to the proceedings.

Past President Barry Smith did a first class job organising the black tie evening dinner for district whilst President Elect Graham Robinson was typically instrumental organising hotel, service and comfort matters for the club.

After settling into the hotel. The evening started with a marvellous black tie dinner in the Spa Ocean Room with Bobby Davro providing the entertainment.

The following day the conference was under way with many worthwhile and interesting events and charities being showcased by the house of friendship and the Spa complex.

There was plenty of information regarding the various strands of Rotary with presentations throughout the weekend. The showcase events were open to the public.

Guest speaker Eric Knowles entertained the ladies with his wit and charm on Saturday afternoon.

The Tenors and Encore provided entertainment on the Saturday evening.

The whole event was thoroughly enjoyed with the sea side being an added bonus.

The highlights for Bradford Blaize were the two awards presented to individuals who exceeded expectations with their rotary work.

John Barrow was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship from district.

Presented by District Governor Elec. Robert Morphet.

For John's outstanding work and devotion to the Bradford Drug Prevention Programme as well as his other charitable work. Well done John.

Alan Morrell received the 1040 district Environmental Award.

For his well organised and successful project, planting trees in and around the Bradford district. Emerging as the top environmental project of the year.

Making a mark on the future environment. Well done Alan.

The Bradford Blaize team thoroughly enjoyed the whole event especially the fellowship.

More information and photographs are on the district website: -

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Ken Senior

This is the page for the President's thoughts for his year of office.


This committee is responsible for finding new members and retaining existing members.


This committee deals with all local projects in our community.


Coming under Community this part of the group exists to undertake environmental projects on behalf of the club.


This committee deals with international projects and disaster relief work.


This committee provides the link with Rotary Internationals main charitable trust which primarily deals with projects having a global nature.


Rotary is not just about doing good deeds but also about enjoying yourself and this committee organises social activities. This page contains an archive of some of our activities.


This committee works with the other committees to help them raise funds for their individual projects to support charities locally, nationally and internationally.


This is the vehicle that donates the money that we have raised to the various good causes that we support. Its official name is The Rotary Club Of Bradford Blaize Trust Fund and its registered number with the Charity Commission is 514621.


This committee organises social events and deals with the day to day running of the club.


This committee exists to provide PR and communications between the members and also to provide links to non members through the web site and Facebook.
