Speaker 26th June 2020 Chris Binns Valediction

Fri, Jun 26th 2020 at 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Presidents Chris Valediction and pictures of our new Paul Harris Fellows, with details

President Chris Binns, Valedictory speech, 26th June 2020

Fellow Rotarians and guests,

Two years ago, now. Wow, doesn’t time fly! having just been inducted as President of The Rotary Club of Bradford, someone said to me, (she knows who she is)

“Oh, isn’t your President’s collar dirty and grubby”. So, one of the first things I did was to buy a brand new, clean fresh collar. Then with the Fattorini Gold badge attached I was ready to ‘hit the road’.

I proudly wore it Here There and Everywhere.

I can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

It is great being part of Rotary which as we know is a force of good in the World.

Looking through the list of Past Presidents I could see that I had some hard acts to follow. We as a club have all those Past Presidents to thank for setting high standards. I tried to be myself and do the best I could.

I was helped along the way by an incredible team to whom I pass on my grateful many thanks.

My Badge of Office really did open many doors for me, and I tried to accept, (where possible) all invitations that came my way.

Even obscure ones like the Skipton RC Santa Fun Run planning meeting at Skipton Golf Club. Pausing briefly before entering a packed room full of strangers. Proudly displaying my Badge of Office, I was immediately swept up in a sea of friendly people, the warmth of my reception being hard to explain as refreshing and brilliant as it was.

There are too many highlights to mention, But, the 100-year anniversary of the ending of the World War 1 in November 2018 is one that stands out. When at 6am in the morning I joined a small group of others led by the Lord Mayor of Bradford on the steps outside Bradford Cathedral, to listen to a lone piper playing a beautiful lament in memory of all those who lost their lives in that Great War.

I had arrived just in time and not knowing the protocol, joined a lonely looking Lord Mayor on the top step. Then I heard a lady say,

“Who does he think he is, joining the Lord Mayor up there”

I looked down the steps at the small crowd and said,

“I am the President of The Rotary Club of Bradford” (at the same time thinking ‘I could do with a coffee!’)

“Oh, that’s all right then” came the reply just as the piper began playing.

Another special memory, then at the other end of the day, very late one night after having attended the Bradford Bronte Club dinner and Ball at the Midland Hotel, we walked into Centenary Square to be photographed next to the City Hall Bell Tower lit up in purple, to mark Rotary’s cause ‘ Purple for End Polio now’.

One of the reasons that I enjoy Rotary is for the many speakers that arrive each week to introduce us to a plethora of varied topics or subjects.

Two big fund-raising events that stand out, as I pushed them forward

(others did the hard work of organizing them)-

My friend Tony Stanley with his mate John Bell talking about his long-distance walk from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, down the length of the Pyrenes Mountains. Followed last year by Jason Mallinson, the Thai Cave rescuer. Talking before a packed Dubrovnik… what an event!

Both events helping to raise over £5000 for Embrace Child Victim’s of Crime my chosen charity (ring fenced for Children in the Bradford district)

Our Club is in good health thanks to all the team members who regularly through a lot of hard work make things happen. You all know who they are, a great big Thank You.

I would also like to thank Ned and his staff at the Dubrovnik Hotel, who have helped me along the way, always with a smile on their faces.

As seen today, I was able to ‘round off’ my Presidency by being honored to present some Paul Harris Fellow awards to several of our members, All of whom over the years have shown great ‘service above self’.

Tariq Shah, Brian Burton, Stephen Jordan, and Jane Guest.

This last year our Club has had the prestige of having one of our very own in Manoj Joshi as the District Governor for the whole of Yorkshire

and North Lincolnshire D1040. Congratulations Manoj for a spectacular year.

My diary and attendances pale in significance when compared to what Manoj and Bhavna have been up to.

Where they get their energy and enthusiasm from; I do not know.

I do know that he has had a hugely successful year, starting with a superb District Handover meeting at the Aagrah Midpoint, Thornbury… again organized by that band of hard-working club members!

I was really pleased to be able to present Manoj with his Paul Harris Ruby award.

Then towards the end of both our years in Office the World was ‘struck down’ with the Covid 19 coronavirus pandemic.

But, just before ‘lockdown’ who can remember our 98th Charter lunch at the Dubrovnik, with near to 100 people in the ball room.

I was sat between the Lord Mayor of Bradford and the Town Mayor of Keighley on the top table listening to the superb, Colin Alderson, Chef to the Queen. Giving us some delightful insight into his life serving the Queen

Wonderful memories, thank you.


There is still one member of the Club, not mentioned yet, who has helped me again and again. Our hard-working Secretary, Martin Mumford. He has endlessly supported me throughout my two years, always being on the other end of the phone.

I can tell you it has been hard trying to arrange something fitting for him, he being the Secretary has all the up to date application forms etc.

With the help of Phillip Sharp, I have hopefully, as a big surprise the pleasure in presenting Martin Mumford with a Sapphire Pin for his Paul Harris Fellow award.

Congratulations and well deserved.

Now, to the future,

I know Tina is going to be an excellent President…she certainly takes much better photographs…

She is itching to get under way, and I wish her all the absolute best for a healthy, happy successful year.

I wish Mike Smith as President Elect, the same best wishes as together we move ever closer to our Centenary Celebration year.

Thank you to you all for making my two-year Presidency so very ‘joyful’

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Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2023/24


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2022/23


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2021/22


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2020/21


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2019/20


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2018/19


Club achievements 17/18


Club achievements - Rotary Year 2016/17


reports from committees


Report on Service given and Donations made


Club Achievements 2013/14


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Constitution of the Rotary Club of Bradford (Adopted 2019)


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