RIBI Compliance documents

Privacy Notice Rotary Club of Bradford
Health & Safety
Equality & Diversity
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Club & District Data Protection
In addition
Our own agreed General Data Protection

Privacy Notice Rotary Club of Bradford

Privacy Notice

1. Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation and the current Data Protection Act (the “GDPR”).

2. Who are we?

The Rotary Club of Bradford (“the Club”) is the data controller (contact details below). This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

3. How do we process your personal data?

The Club complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

We use your personal data for the following purposes: –

* To enable us to run events and activities;

* To administer membership records;

* To fundraise for charitable purposes;

* To manage our volunteers;

* To maintain our own accounts and records (including the processing of gift aid applications);

* To inform you of news, events, activities and services run by the Club. or by others which we think may interest you


4. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

* Your explicit consent to us using your personal data for the purposes above.

* Processing is necessary for carrying out legal obligations;


5. Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with other members of the Club in order to carry out the purposes above. We will only share your data with third parties with your consent.

6. How long do we keep your personal data

We keep data until we believe you no longer wish to be involved with the purposes above or you tell us you no longer want us to hold it. Specifically, we retain gift aid declarations and associated paperwork for up to 6 years after the calendar year to which they relate.

7. Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: –

* The right to request a copy of your personal data which the Club holds about you;

* The right to request that the Club corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;

* The right to request your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for the Club to retain such data;

* The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time

* The right to request that the data controller provide the data subject with his/her personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable).

* The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;

* The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable).

* The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.

8. Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

9. Contact Details

To exercise all relevant rights, queries of complaints please in the first instance contact the Club Secretary Martin Mumford

You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/ or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.

Rotary Club of Bradford (Registered charity number 1047946)

Rotary GB&I Compliance Statement – Clubs - 2018/19

The Constitution of Rotary GB&I (Article 5, Section D) provides that every club in the Area (Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) is bound in all things, not contrary to law, by the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association and shall observe the provisions thereof. Clubs are also bound by the general law of the jurisdiction within which that club is located.

Rotary GB&I does not seek to advise clubs on matters of general law but does try to help clubs to ensure that they comply with certain specific legal frameworks which are likely to apply to the regular activities of all or most clubs.

To that end, Rotary GB&I has produced the following documents:

* Rotary GB&I General Data Protection Policy Notice

* Rotary GB&I Equality and Diversity Policy (linked with the Rotary GB&I Dignity Policy)

* Rotary GB&I Health and Safety Policy Statement

* Rotary GB&I Safeguarding (Children) Policy

* Rotary GB&I Safeguarding (Vulnerable Adults) Policy

and has invited clubs to read and adopt these documents. Adherence to these documents should ensure that no club inadvertently finds itself in breach of these areas of general law.

It is therefore requested that this Compliance Statement be signed by the Club President or Secretary on behalf of the club, confirming that your club has read and adopted the documents referred to above along with the Insurance Guidance document. All of these documents are at: http://www.rotarygbi.org/members/club-district-support/compliance/

This compliance confirmation should then be returned to your District Secretary as soon as possible and before 1st July 2018.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Amanda Watkin

Rotary GB&I General Secretary

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland

Compliance Confirmation Form

On behalf of The Rotary Club of it is confirmed that the Insurance Guidance document has been read and current policies as listed below are adopted:

(i) Rotary GB&I General Data Protection Policy Notice

(ii) Rotary GB&I Equality and Diversity Policy (linked with the Rotary GB&I Dignity Policy)

(iii) Rotary GB&I Health and Safety Policy Statement

(iv) Rotary GB&I Safeguarding (Children) Policy

(v) Rotary GB&I Safeguarding (Vulnerable Adults) Policy

Signed 2018/19 President

Signed 2018/19 Secretary



Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) acknowledges that it has a responsibility to ensure that all Rotary districts and Rotary clubs within Rotary GB&I are made aware of the essential need to plan and organise all Rotary activities and events in a safe manner. Rotary GB&I is committed to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard the participants, members of the public, volunteers, Rotarians and anyone who may be in the vicinity of a Rotary event or activity from risk of injury or ill health resulting directly or indirectly from that activity or event. 

Rotary GB&I is committed to: 

• Promoting and encouraging development of safe practice as the normal acceptable standard for all Rotary events and activities. 

• Providing all districts with information and advice to enable them to formulate and implement their own health and safety policies and to provide the same service to their respective clubs. 

• Establishing systems and procedures that will ensure districts and clubs have access to up to date information and safety advice when so required. 

• Developing and encouraging communication at all levels in order to develop the exchange of ideas and to promote best practice at all levels within Rotary GB&I. 

The overall responsibility for safety at any Rotary activity or event lies with the district or club organising it in accordance with all current legislation including Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The responsibility for implementation of this, the overall Rotary GB&I safety policy, lies with the General Council of Rotary GB&I. In support of this policy the General Council will appoint a Compliance Officer who will report and operate through the Rotary GB&I Executive Committee. The executive for each district within Rotary GB&I are charged with ensuring that the district and all clubs in their district develop and put into practice an effective working safety policy. Each district executive and each club council should appoint a Compliance and/or Health & Safety Advisor, who will liaise with the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer and other safety representatives in order to promote, encourage and develop suitable and sufficient health and safety practice at all Rotary events and activities. 

This policy statement, and all related documents, will be reviewed by Rotary GB&I at the end of each Rotary year following which appropriate advice and updated documents, if so required, will be provided to all Rotary GB&I districts. This policy statement, and any documents based upon it, should be re-validated annually by signing the Rotary GB&I Combined Compliance Statement.

Equality and Diversity Policy For Rotary Clubs and Districts

NOTE: This policy appliesto all activities performed by or on behalf of Rotary GB&I at national or district level and referencesto Rotary Clubs are so worded as each Rotary Club is autonomoussubject to compliance with RI, Rotary GB&I and Club Constitutions. 

1. Purpose 

1.1 Statement of Intent 

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) is committed to promoting equality, fairness and respect. We aim to create an environment where diversity is recognised, valued and celebrated. We will provide equal opportunities for all Rotarians to develop and to fulfil their potential. We will engage fully with our diverse society. We will take care to assess the impact of our policies and their implementation on race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion and belief, gender, gender reassignment, disability, sex or sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity and age equality. These are the ‘Protected Characteristics’ contained in the Equality Act 2010, and they also correspond broadly with the headings under which citizens are legally protected from discrimination in employment and other aspects of participation in society, in equality legislation in the Republic of Ireland, namely the Equal Status Act 2000 as amended by the Equality Act 2004. This policy is to be linked with the Rotary GB&I Dignity Policy (rev. April 18) as approved by General Council in November 2017 (D. GC 2017/18:18) 

1.2 What is Diversity? 

When people think of diversity, they may think first of ethnicity and race and then gender. However, diversity is much broader than that. Diversity includes, but is not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, physical abilities or qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, partnership status, religion or belief, parental status, caring responsibilities and work experience. Diversity management can be broadly defined as accepting, valuing and getting the best from all individuals whatever their group or individual differences such as communications style, career or vocational experiences and other factors. "Every Rotarian, whatever they look like and however they operate, maximises their potential and value to the team. Everyone is valued as an individual as well as a member of the team. Everyone is themselves and seeks to be successful as themselves rather than conforming to a mould." In short, every individual has a right to their own success and a responsibility to the success of the team. They have a right to celebrate individuality and a responsibility to conform to the team’s policies, ethos and codes of behaviour. 

1.3 What is Discrimination? 

Rotary GB&I is committed to maintaining an environment which is free from discrimination and harassment of other people including current or prospective members and employees. The following forms of discrimination are prohibited under this policy and are unlawful: • Direct discrimination: treating someone less favourably because of a Protected Characteristic. ©Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland (last reviewed Jan 2018) • Indirect discrimination: a provision, criterion or practice that applies to everyone but adversely affects people with a particular Protected Characteristic more than others, and is not justified. • Harassment: this includes sexual harassment and other unwanted conduct related to a Protected Characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating someone's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. • Victimisation: retaliation against someone who has complained or has supported someone else's complaint about discrimination or harassment. • Disability discrimination: this includes direct and indirect discrimination, any unjustified less favourable treatment because of the effects of a disability, and failure to make reasonable adjustments to alleviate disadvantages caused by a disability. 

2. Policy 

Rotary GB&I is committed to providing excellent diversity and equality of opportunity. Rotary GB&I objectives are to promote and develop diversity initiatives with a view to matching and, if possible, improving on best practice. It actively endorses relevant programmes of action and codes of practice on all aspects of diversity. 

Rotary GB&I aims to provide an environment where we will: 

• Encourage Rotary Clubs to recruit membership that reflects, at all levels, the diversity of the communities where they operate and ofsociety as a whole.

• Treat all our members, employees and outside contacts with dignity and respect. • Provide Rotarians with the opportunity to develop and realise their full potential. 

• Take positive action to secure equality of opportunity. 

• Ensure that our recruitment, selection, and Rotary career progression processes are fair, objective and free from bias or stereotyping. 

• Endeavour to ensure that Rotary Clubs deliver excellent service to their respective diverse communities. 

2.1 Objectives 

Our diversity and equality objectives are focused on three key areas: 

2.1.1 Service - we will: 

• Strive to review all Rotary GB&I services from the perspective of the Rotary GB&I diversity principles to ensure they meet the differing needs of individuals and groups. 

• Provide clear information about Rotary GB&I services in ways that are accessible and meet the community needs. 

• Monitor the physical features of our premises to consider whether they might place anyone with a disability at a substantial disadvantage. Where necessary, we will take reasonable steps to improve access. If we consider a particular adjustment would not be reasonable we will explain our reasons and try to find an alternative solution where possible. • Consult with different groups on service needs and provision. 

• Monitor and evaluate services to ensure that they do not unfairly discriminate. • Ensure equal access to the Rotary GB&I complaints procedure. 

• Assess our policies, functions and practices to consider their impact on equality in line with legal requirements and best practice policy. 

2.1.2 Recruitment and Retention – we will: 

• Encourage Rotary Clubs to recruit members that represent the makeup of the regional population in terms of race, gender and disability. ©Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland (last reviewed Jan 2018) 

• Monitor the selection process to ensure it is free from discrimination and openly accountable. Any information provided in this respect is voluntary and will not adversely affect an individual's chances of recruitment or any other decision related to their membership or employment. 

• Review and monitor all other policies and procedures to ensure that they do not inadvertently allow unfair discrimination to occur. 

• Ensure that access to information, procedures and records is as open and transparent as possible. • Encourage Rotary Clubs to provide a safe and accessible environment, which values and respects individuals' identities and cultures. 

• Encourage a culture and environment free from discrimination and harassment. 

• Develop a culture which encourages Rotary networks to share best practice and provide specific support to diverse groups. 

• Encourage and help Rotarians to reach their full potential. 

• Assess our policies, functions and practices to consider their impact on equality in line with legal requirements and best practice policy. 

2.1.3 Working in Partnership – we will: 

• Work with others in partnership to endeavour to provide an environment free from unfair discrimination and harassment. 

• Encourage others to adopt this policy.

2.2 Who is responsible for this policy? 

Each Club President has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy and for ensuring compliance with discrimination law. Day-to-day operational responsibility for this policy, including regular review of this policy, has been delegated to the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer. 

All Club Presidents must set an appropriate standard of behaviour, lead by example and ensure that those they manage adhere to the policy and promote our aims and objectives with regard to equal opportunities. Club Presidents will be given appropriate training on equal opportunities awareness and equal opportunities recruitment. The Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer has overall responsibility for equal opportunities training. 

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer. If you have any questions about the content or application of this policy, you should contact the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer to request further information. Members are invited to comment on this policy and suggest ways in which it may be improved by contacting the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer. 

3. Breaches of this policy 

Rotary GB&I will take a strict approach to breaches of this policy. Complaints should be reported in accordance with the Rotary GB&I Dispute Management Procedures and will be treated in confidence and investigated as appropriate. There must be no victimisation or retaliation against members who complain about discrimination. However, making a false allegation deliberately and in bad faith will result in exclusion from the organisation and/or disciplinary action.


applicable to all Clubs and Districts in Rotary GB&I 

Policy Statement 

The Clubs recognize that the services they provide are used by adults who are vulnerable or may be vulnerable at certain times. 

The Clubs have a duty to ensure the welfare of vulnerable adults who may be at risk. This duty involves reporting the risk to an appropriate agency and Rotary GB&I, and by promoting a safe environment within the organisation. 

The Clubs believe that vulnerable adults must be safeguarded from all forms of abuse. It recognises that it must at all times protect vulnerable adults from the risk of abuse and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse if they occur. 

The Clubs will take every possible action to prevent abuse and to deal with it as promptly and effectively as possible if it occurs. 

Aim of the Policy 

The central aim of Rotary GB&I’s Safeguarding Policy is to inform all Rotarians of: 

• Rotary GB&I’s approach to the Safeguarding of vulnerable adults 

• ways in which the Clubs do this 

• the steps taken to avoid abuse taking place

• the actions that will be taken by the Clubs to deal with abuse if it occurs 

Definition of Abuse 

Abuse of clients may take any of the following forms: 

• physical abuse 

• financial or material abuse 

• psychological abuse 

• sexual abuse 

• neglect 

• discriminatory abuse 

• inhuman or degrading treatment

 • inappropriate or excessive restraint. Responsibility 

The Clubs have a duty to report serious concerns relating to abuse to appropriate agencies including the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)* as well as the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer. 

The Clubs have a duty to ensure that Rotarians or others who may be supporting Rotary activities that include working with vulnerable adults adopt safe practices. 

The Clubs will undertake DBS* checks on all new and existing Rotarians as appropriate and will undertake regular education of its members to minimise any risks to vulnerable adults posed by Rotarians

Rotary GB&I will: 

• Set out and inform Rotarians of the procedures for responding to suspicions or evidence of abuse 

• Incorporate material relevant to issues of abuse on the Rotary GB&I website 

• Maintain vigilance concerning the possibility of abuse of vulnerable adults from whatever source 

• Encourage a climate of openness which enables Rotarians to pass on concerns about behaviour that might be abusive 

• Produce and regularly revise policies and procedures to minimise the risk of abuse 

• Investigate any allegations of abuse quickly and thoroughly 

• Implement improvements to procedures if an investigation reveals deficiencies in the way in which Rotary GB&I operates 

• Collaborate with other relevant agencies in combating abuse and improving the protection of vulnerable adults

Districts will: 

Appoint a Rotarian as the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult(s) Protection Officer. This Officer will have suitable experience, training and expertise. 

Ensure that all Club Safeguarding/Protection Officers within their District receive regular education to minimise any risks to vulnerable adults posed by Rotarians in their District 

The Clubs expect its members to: 

• Refrain from any abusive action in relation to vulnerable adults 

• Report to the Club anything they witness which is or might be abusive 

• Co-operate in any investigation into alleged abuse. Rotarians should be aware of who they may turn to for advice if they become aware or suspect that abuse is occurring.

Failure by Rotarians to report incidents or suspicions of abuse may lead to disciplinary action.

* or relevant state authority


Applicable to all Clubs and Districts in Rotary GB&I 

Policy Statement 

The Clubs recognise that the services it provides are used by children. 

The Clubs believe that children have the right to be secure from abuse, and Rotary GB&I are committed to protecting all the children in their care from harm. 

The Clubs will appoint a Rotarian as the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer. This Officer will have suitable experience, training and expertise, and will be responsible for liaising with appropriate outside agencies and Rotary GB&I in any child protection matter. 

The Clubs have a duty to ensure the welfare of all children who may be at risk. This duty involves reporting the risk to an appropriate agency and Rotary GB&I and by promoting a safe environment within the Club. 

The Clubs will take every possible action to prevent abuse and to deal with it as promptly and effectively as possible if it occurs. 

Aim of the Policy 

The central aim of Rotary GB&I’s Safeguarding Policy is to inform all Rotarians of: 

• Rotary GB&I’s approach to the Safeguarding of children 

• ways in which the Clubs do this • the steps taken to avoid abuse taking place 

• the actions that will be taken by the Clubs to deal with abuse if it occurs 

Definition of Abuse 

Abuse of children may take any of the following forms: 

• physical abuse 

• sexual abuse 

• emotional abuse 

• neglect 


Rotary GB&I has a duty to ensure that all Clubs working with children adopt safe practices. 

The Clubs will undertake Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)* checks on all new and existing Rotarians as appropriate and will undertake regular education of its members to minimise any risks to children posed by Rotarians or others who may be supporting Rotary activity involving children. 

The Clubs have a duty to report serious concerns relating to abuse to appropriate agencies including the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)* and the Rotary GB&I Compliance Officer.

 ©Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland (Reviewed April 2018) 

Rotary GB&I will: 

• Set out and inform Rotarians of the procedures for responding to suspicions or evidence of abuse . 

• Incorporate material relevant to issues of abuse on the Rotary GB&I website 

• Maintain vigilance concerning the possibility of abuse of children from whatever source 

• Encourage a climate of openness which enables Rotarians to pass on concerns about behaviour that might be abusive 

• Produce and regularly revise policies and procedures to minimise the risk of abuse 

• Ensure that all Rotarians are aware of the main indicators of child abuse 

• Investigate any allegations of abuse quickly and thoroughly in conjunction with appropriate agencies 

• Implement improvements to procedures if an investigation reveals deficiencies in the way in which Rotary GB&I operates 

• Collaborate with other relevant agencies in combating abuse and improving the protection of children 

Districts will: 

Appoint a Rotarian as the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer. This Officer will have suitable experience, training and expertise. 

Ensure that all Club Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officers within their District receive regular education to minimise any risks to children posed by Rotarians in their District 

The Clubs expect its members to: 

• Refrain from any abusive action in relation to children 

• Report to the Club anything they witness which is or might be abusive 

• Co-operate in any investigation into alleged abuse. Rotarians should be aware of who they may turn to for advice if they become aware or suspect that abuse is occurring. 

Failure by Rotarians to report incidents or suspicions of abuse may lead to disciplinary and/or legal action. 

* or relevant state authority

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Motion for Council

Upon receipt of advice from Rotary GB&I in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the Hon. Secretary convened a working group which proposed a policy to Council which seeks to ensure that, to the best of our ability, we are compliant with the requirements of the Regulation, which is enforceable from 25 May 2018. This policy was adopted by Council on 4 May 2018. This policy is designed to ensure that Club Members personal data is protected from being misused. In essence the Regulation requires that we advise members about the reasons for collection, use and storage of personal data and seek members individual approval for our use of personal data.

1 Upon consideration the Rotary Club of Bradford Club Council adopts the following policy designed to make every reasonable attempt to conform to the GDPR.

2 Reasons for the collection of personal data.

2.1 In order to conduct the business of the club, namely, providing service to the local and worldwide community, it is a pre-requisite of membership that the Rotary Club of Bradford holds data on individual members for the following purposes.

2.2 Recording an individual person’s membership of the Club and thereby ensuring membership of Rotary International.

2.3 Collecting essential basic data from each member (including the age, gender and professional classification), in order to establish the overall constitution of the Club.

2.4 Recording the contact details of each member (including address, telephone number and email address) in order to facilitate communication with and between club members to support the management and running of the club and to ensure that the purpose of the club in providing service to the local and worldwide community is achieved.

3 Access to personal data

3.1 The personal data of each member will be held by the Club Secretary. For the most part It will be stored electronically and kept secure. In certain instances (e.g. original application for membership forms and any formal correspondence) it will be held securely in paper form.

3.2 There will be a right of access to it by the following individuals. The Club Treasurer, the Assistant Secretary of the Club and the Attendance Officer. Any other person acting on the instructions of the Club President where, in an urgent situation, it is impractical for any of the named roles above to access the information required.

3.3 Some personal data will be supplied to Rotary International and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland solely for the purpose of establishing membership of these organisations.

3.4 Certain personal data will be shared with the general membership of the Club via a Handbook on the following premises.

3.5 It is believed by the Club Council that a Club Handbook, as permitted by the Regulation, is essential to facilitate the communication with, and between, members for the purpose of the business of the club, namely, providing service to the local and international community. However, to ensure that the data in the Handbook conforms to the Regulation the following arrangements will be made.

4 Consent to the provision of personal data

4.1 It is a pre-requisite of membership that at the minimum the full name and email address of a member will be recorded in the handbook.

4.2 Each member will be provided with a consent form which will enable them to specify the information which they consent to be inserted in the Handbook.

4.3 Once in the Handbook a member may at any time seek to have all or part of their entry altered subject only to the proviso that this may not be effective until the annual anniversary of the Handbook re-issue.

4.4 As part of the consent to the provision of their own data each member will be required to agree to keep the Handbook securely and to properly dispose of it at the end of its usage.

5 Deletion of personal data.

5.1 Upon leaving the club all data referring to the departed member will be deleted from the club database subject only to the proviso that this may not be effected in relation to the Handbook until the annual anniversary of the Handbook re-issue.

6 General oversight of data and identification of any data protection breaches.

6.1 The Club Secretary will be designated as Data Protection Officer and the duties will include and annual review of this policy by the making of a brief report to the Club Council and ensuring that any data breaches are immediately reported to the President with a view to notifying all concerned.

Rotary Club of Bradford - Notice to Members For Action by 22 May 2018

Your Club Council has considered the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation which comes into force on 25 May 2018. The Council believes that it is essential to continue to maintain the Club Handbook, as permitted by the Regulation, to facilitate the communication with, and between, members for the purpose of the business of the club, namely, providing service to the local and worldwide community. However it is required that each member must consent to the use of personal data in the Handbook.

Therefore you are required to complete this form and return it to the Hon Secretary by 22 May 2018. Having given you due notice, we assume that if you do not reply that your current full handbook entry is acceptable to you.

Members Name

Part 1 – Consent to data being included in the Handbook

Data to be included in addition to members name and email address Specify any item you wish to be omitted

Title, Honour, Specific

Professional Qualification.

Postal Address,

Telephone number

All Rotary information including,

date of joining, Rotary Honours

and history of Club offices held.

A photographic image

Part 2 – Acknowledgement of obligation to keep Handbook data confidential.

I agree that I will take personal responsibility for the safe keeping of my copy of the Club Handbook and will ensure that it is shredded or otherwise properly disposed of at the end of its usage.

Signed Date


Club and District Collection and Use of Personal Membership Data 

Rotary clubs and districts within Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) acknowledge that it has a responsibility to ensure that members personal data held on the RI Global Database and the Rotary GB&I Template Database comply with Data Protection Laws and the RI, Rotary GB&I District and Club Data Privacy Statements.

 Clubs and districts are committed to: 

 Ensuring that all steps are taken to collect, process, store and use members personal data in accordance with Date Protection Laws, including the Guiding Principles, and the RI, Rotary GB&I and Club & District Data Privacy Statements. 

 Providing all members of the club/district with information and advice to ensure where they have a responsibility for the handling of personal data, they do so in accordance with this policy statement. 

 Establishing systems and procedures that will ensure clubs and districts can comply with this policy statement. 

 Ensuring that when collecting personal data, the documents include, or make reference to, the Club & District Data Privacy statement and the Rotary GB&I Data Privacy statement, i.e. whether the statements are included in full on documentation/forms or included in full on the club/district website and referred to on documentation/forms. 

Club & District Data Privacy Statement 

As part of core Rotary business, clubs and districts facilitate communication with Rotarians, Rotary International and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland and collects personal information about Rotary club members, and their partners and associates where appropriate, to be used solely for the purpose of conducting core business activities on the RI Global Database and Rotary GB&I Template Database, these include: 

 Preparing annual District/Club Directories. 

 Calculating semi-annual dues payable to Rotary International 

 Identifying prospective candidates for presidential and Foundation appointments to conferences, Rotary GB&I, RI and TRF committees, task forces, and other assignments 

 Supporting The Rotary Foundation 

 Providing information and updates to district governors, district officers and others involved in RI and Rotary GB&I programs and service projects 

 Providing goods and services to clubs and districts for their general activities 

 Providing guidance to clubs and districts in their general activities and public relations efforts 

 Communicating key organisational messages and information to district and club leaders and members 

 Facilitating conference, assembly and special event planning 

 Supporting ‘The Rotarian’ and the Rotary GB&I regional magazine ‘Rotary’ 

 Identifying Rotarians who have specific language and/or professional skills 

© Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (Rotary GB&I) for use by clubs and districts within Rotary GB&I (last reviewed April 2017) 

RI and Rotary GB&I Data Privacy Statement For Rotary GB&I Privacy Statement, see Rotary GB&I website: http://www.rotarygbi.org/privacy-policy/ 

For RI Privacy Statement, see RI website: https://www.rotary.org/en/privacy-policy 

This policy, and all related documents, will be reviewed by Rotary GB&I at the end of each Rotary year following which appropriate advice and updated documents, if so required, will be provided to all Rotary GB&I districts. This policy, and any documents based upon it, should be re-validated annually by signing the Rotary GB&I Combined Compliance Statement.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Aims & what we do.


This committee is always chaired by the current President to oversee the smooth running of the club.


Community and Vocational


Our pledge to rid polio from the planet


Join us as a member.




some of the events Rotary hold


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2023/24


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2022/23


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2021/22


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2020/21


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2019/20


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2018/19


Club achievements 17/18


Club achievements - Rotary Year 2016/17


reports from committees


Report on Service given and Donations made


Club Achievements 2013/14


Privacy Notice Rotary Club of Bradford Health & Safety Equality & Diversity Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Club & District Data Protection In addition Our own agreed General Data Protection


Constitution of the Rotary Club of Bradford (Adopted 2019)


Bylaws of the Rotary Club of Bradford
