Club achievements 16/17

Club achievements - Rotary Year 2016/17

Rotary Club of Bradford 


Report on Service given and  Charitable giving  

in Rotary Year 2016/17 


This is a provisional account of the service given and or money distributed to charities (actually sent or approved by Club Council to be sent) by members of the Rotary Club of Bradford (36 members) during the course of the Rotary year 2016/17.  


The club raised over £10,000 this year from supermarket collections, social events, raffles, successful grant applications, other fundraising and members donations to Rotary Foundation. Using this and cash in hand we have dispersed over £11,000 of which over 75% went to Bradford  charities                         (NB these are provisional figures, a full audited account will be produced later.) 



Community, Youth, Vocational & Environmental Service work in Bradford 

  • We provided financial support to “Centrepoint”, Bradford, by giving £2200 to this organisation for the resettlement needs of homeless young people in Bradford. We raised half the amount and obtained a District Rotary Foundation Grant for the other half.  

  • We continued to support the successful Interact Club in a local school. (Introducing children  to working with Rotary ideals and, with our Club’s participation and ongoing supervision, working to help the community),  This Club has itself raised over £2000 this year for local charities 

  • The Club organised a local “Youth Speaks” as part of a national Rotary debating competition which was attended by local senior and intermediate school teams.  We supported the two winning teams who went on to represent Bradford in regional finals. 

  • We again sponsored two young people from another local school to attend Rotary Youth Leadership schemes. The school part matched this funding so three young people benefited from learning self-reliance and leadership and were also introduced to the ideals of Rotary 

  • We staffed 5 days (0900 -1800) of supermarket collections advertising the work of Rotary as well as collecting money. 

  • We organised a Christmas Service in Bradford Cathedral and gave half the £1034 raised to the work of the Cathedral in the community. 

  • Together with local community groups in Thornton, we maintained two Rotary gardens. One dedicated to the late Valerie Binney former Lord Mayor and Club member. 

  • Club members have undertaken 2 half day litter picks at Undercliffe Cemetary. 

  • Club members have assisted with the clearance of overgrown trees and bushes on public land near our meeting venue 

  • We organised a Charity walk which raised £3000 for the Marie Curie Hospice in Bradford. 


Financial support to Bradford community activities include:- 


Marie Curie Hospice Bradford                                                                £ 3700 

Centrepoint, Bradford                                                                             £ 2200 

Sponsor young person on OYT youth leadership week                         £   570 

Heaton Woods Trust                                                                               £   550 

Bradford Cathedral Community work                                                     £   517 

Sponsor young person on RYLA youth leadership week                       £   475 

Positive Lifestyle Project for schoolchildren – dictionaries                       £   337 

Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue                                                               £   250 

Youth debating competition for young people                                          £  160 

Bradford Photograpic Society                                                                  £  100 


                                A total of  £  8,859       


Donation to the National Charity “Child Victims of Crime                              £50 

International Relief and development support 

  • We have donated one emergency Shelter box                                    £  590 

  • Health Care 4 All, Pakistan                                                                  £  500 

  • Haiti Earthquake relief fund                                                                  £  500 

  • Bujagli Trust, Uganda                                                                           £  100 

  • Project Dukem, Ethiopia                                                                       £  100 

                                                                   Total   £ 1,790    

Rotary Foundation 

  • We have paid £1100 or about US $40 per head at current exchange rates to Rotary Foundation this year. A similar amount to sums given during the past seven years. 

  • (We successfully applied for a District Grant of £99towards our work with Centrepoint” Bradford.) 

Total Paid to Rotary Foundation   £ 1,100      


Overall Club total support this Rotary year to all charities or local causes  

Grand Total    £11,799* 

Figures to 13 June of 2017 – full year figures will be available from Club audited Accounts in the autumn. 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Aims & what we do.


This committee is always chaired by the current President to oversee the smooth running of the club.


Community and Vocational


Our pledge to rid polio from the planet


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some of the events Rotary hold


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2023/24


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2022/23


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2021/22


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2020/21


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2019/20


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2018/19


Club achievements 17/18


Club achievements - Rotary Year 2016/17


reports from committees


Report on Service given and Donations made


Club Achievements 2013/14


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Constitution of the Rotary Club of Bradford (Adopted 2019)


Bylaws of the Rotary Club of Bradford
