Positive lifestyle

What they do


Positive Lifestyle is part of One In A Million Enterprise Charity. It is an out of school experience, where a class of pupils come and visit, starting off in the Bradford City football stadium, having a pitch side tour. Then into OIAMFS where we work with the pupils looking at different workshop lifeskills. Delivery is presented by our qualified teacher and specialist, Clare Sharpe, and Jo Appleby. It costs £110 for either a morning 10-12 or afternoon 1-3 pm (we can change the times slightly depending on lunch and home time). It is the schools decision to decide on which workshops to complete within the PL programme. Most schools we work with all start with year 3 and progress to year 6. Our programme is designed to target the subjects within Personal Social Health and Economic education ( see subject list below.) Our visiting schools view us as an essential part of their learning. The subjects reinforce a greater depth of life skills, giving pupils a chance to decide on what's right for them. Themes include: Year 2/3- personal safety, using a variety of games we look at dangerous situations and from them make safe choices. Self esteem - through different activities we explore what makes us feel happy and sad and how others' can affect this. Year 4 - anti bullying, understanding what it is, why it happens and through role play look at strategies to deal with it. Anti racism - highlighting similarities and differences and focussing on being unique and valued. Safe food and you - working with Environmental Health Dept. raising awareness of basic food hygiene and the consequences of bad practice. Year 5 - drug awareness encourage discussion of knowledge and experiences of different types of drugs with emphasis on keeping safe. Healthy Lifestyle - look at trying to achieve and maintain a healthy body through activities on nutrition and a well balanced diet. Year 6 - citizenship - through discussion and role play preparing pupils to take an active part as citizens, making fair and wise decisions, and consequences that may happen. Friendships- focus on different qualities of friendships and relationships, reflecting on each individual's strengths. Positive Me (transition) enable pupils to have an opportunity to prepare for changes during their transition, emphasis is placed on maintaining a positive self image.

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Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2023/24


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2022/23


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2021/22


Brief description: Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2020/21


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2019/20


Report on Service given and Charitable giving in Rotary Year 2018/19


Club achievements 17/18


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