Brekflex Toybox project

Sun, Jun 30th 2024 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Brekflex Toybox project

Brekflex Toybox project

During the last few months, Carly, Sam and Kathryn have continued meeting up online

once a month to have a general catch up, share ideas and keep Brekflex running


Supported by the Rotarians of Cardiff Breakfast, the small

group has managed a huge donation of toys to a local charity -

the ToyBox project. This charity, based in Caerphilly, has a

warehouse where unwanted toys in good condition can be

donated to the project. The toys are then gifted to families and

organisations in need across south Wales. This helps to keep

toys out of landfill unnecessarily and puts them into the hands

of those who need them the most. Toys which can be donated

can range from those suitable for newborns to teenagers and

they are then redirected to schools, playgroups, the NHS and

various community groups as well as families in need.

Carly, Sam and Kathryn delivered two cars full of toys which had been

collected from their friends and families over a period of months. The toys were

greatly appreciated by the volunteers who help out there as they dropped them

off at the Bedwas ware-house. The volunteers informed us that a lot of

the toys would be taken very quickly- there was a big demand for many of the

items donated.

Following the drop off, Carly, Sam and Kathryn then enjoyed a social evening out in a local pub

having a meal and a drink together. Brekflex is currently enjoying a few months of not

collecting any items but will be back doing something soon. Watch this space!

Thanks for all the continued support and if you

would like to join in on a zoom meeting, they are held every 1st Tuesday of the month. Follow us on - Facebook and Instagram - Rotary Club of Cardiff Breakfast Brekflex Group

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