The Rotakids at Whitchurch Primary School planned activities were cut short this year when COVID 19 turned everyone’s world upside down.
Nevertheless, they managed to raise money at their Christmas Fair, which was used as ‘match funding’ towards an application for a Rotary District Grant. This doubled their money and they regarded themselves as ‘young entrepreneurs’ of the future. This money was used to purchase much needed sports equipment for the 700 children at the school.
The Rotakids also collected toys, books, games and gifts, which they gave to Cancer Research Wales.
Their third project was to raise funds for Llamau. The Rotakids prepared an excellent presentation which was shown to all the children in the school. It was interesting to observe how they adapted their presentation slides to cater for each age group. Unfortunately, this project came to a sudden halt when the school was forced to close in the middle of March due to Covid19.
Rotakids wish to say a big thank you for the Presidential Citation and the support they have had from the Rotary Club of Cardiff Breakfast.