Wyggeston Wood Work Party

Tue, Feb 28th 2023 at 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Club members please log in for more information.

Another bunch of happy volunteers from Blaby and Leicester DeMontfort bent their backs to make a difference and put others first, cracked on with crown lifting oak trees, willow bashing or dragging out arisings, I noted first timers, seasoned campaigners and regulars. I doffed my cap to those who had helped through the years but who were now watching from above, no doubt laughing at the jokes and complaints of bad backs. 

But most of all I express my thanks to those that turn up, year in year out, to help. To make a difference. To better the environment. To create and maintain a happy place, a sad place. A place of remembrance. A quiet place. A place for butterflies, dragonflies, stoats, rabbits, frogs, snakes. A place to regain composure.  A place to keep your noggin screwed on.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Venue .Loughborough University.


Located on the A5199 Welford Road, between Foston Rd and Arnesby, The entrance location ///crew.broad.branch. SEE DETAILS BELOW...


.The club continues to undertake a varied and active involvement with environmental projects - NEXT WORK PARTY DATE = TBA

Esme Pridmore is the School winner, (standing between Linda and Stuart). She received a book token, a creative writing book and the Rotary certificate. Club

.Club President Stuart accompanied by Rotarian LInda, visited Knighton Mead Academy on 3rd March, to present Young Writer Awards.
