Wed, Aug 31st 2022 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Speaker Rtn. Graham Thompson

Club members please log in for more information.

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing care for families affected by all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
As dementia specialists, Admiral Nurses help families manage complex needs, considering the person living with dementia and the people around them, and can advise other healthcare professionals.

Our nurses help people living with dementia stay independent for longer, and support the people caring for them so that they have the strength to cope with the bad days, and the energy to enjoy the good days.
They work in different care settings: in the community, in care homes, on the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, in hospitals, in hospices and in clinics. For families affected by dementia, they can be a lifeline....

Mary FrenchContact Mary French about this page:

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Venue .Loughborough University.


Located on the A5199 Welford Road, between Foston Rd and Arnesby, The entrance location ///crew.broad.branch. SEE DETAILS BELOW...


.The club continues to undertake a varied and active involvement with environmental projects - NEXT WORK PARTY DATE = TBA

Esme Pridmore is the School winner, (standing between Linda and Stuart). She received a book token, a creative writing book and the Rotary certificate. Club

.Club President Stuart accompanied by Rotarian LInda, visited Knighton Mead Academy on 3rd March, to present Young Writer Awards.
