Sustaining Members

We would be delighted if members supported the Rotary Foundation by becoming a Sustaining Member. All you need to do is donate $100 per annum and this can be done monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly, or annually. $100 equates to approximately £7 per month

Steve GaleContact Steve Gale about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Corporate membership gives local businesses, nonprofits, government entities and corporations the chance to give back to the community while developing their employees’ personal and professional skills through Rotary.


Rotary's charity, The Rotary Foundation, receives a 4 star rating for the 15th consecutive year


Here we'll be listing some of the activities and events that our club is involved with.


Regular updates about the work we do, our projects and events


The Rotary Club of Rayleigh Mill donates to international and community projects
