Our 2025 community grants scheme is now open - Links to application form and guidance are detailed below.
Each year our Rotary Club makes donations in form of grants to local charities and community groups under our Community Grant Scheme.
Applications will be considered for Grants of up to £750 and we hope these grants continue to provide some much-needed additional support to help a whole breath of local groups. Numerous charities/local groups have benefitted since the scheme’s inception over 19 years since, including organisations concerned with the environment, extending sporting opportunities to children and young people, charities and groups supporting people with disabilities, organisations supporting people with mental health or emotional issues and many other vulnerable people.
Applications may be submitted up to 30th April 2025.
We seek to support organisations which may operate on a small budget or in a particular locality or community or for whom such an amount of money would make a real difference. Please read covering Letter for more deatils and if you wish to apply do please read the directions contained in the guidance notes about the applications process. Links to all relevant ocuments below.
Application form link PDF or Word version can be used:
Guidance here:
Link to Data Protection Notice:
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Annually we raise money through a number of events namely Classic car Show and Xmas collections to fund our Charitable Trust which in turn funds local Charities/Groups.