Social Evening with a Speaker

Wed, Apr 30th 2025 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Friends and guests are welcome to join Club members for a social evening with a meal and Speaker at the Sweeney Hotel. (Please book a place first - see details)

- - --- DETAILS --- - -

Members of Borderland Rotary enjoy having a Speaker with a tasty meal at a discount price, thanks to The Sweeney Hotel.  Anyone who may be interested in being part of Borderland Rotary activities, as well as Friends and Guests, are always welcome.

The Speaker expected is to be advised

talking about  ? ? ?

It is essential for visitors, Friends and Guests, to reserve their place before 4.00 pm the previous day.  Please send an email stating the date and name(s) - click on -


Rob HughesContact Rob Hughes about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Winter Warmth

Borderland Rotary news and reports in 1st Quarter 2025

Several thousand attend Borderland Rotary events

Major Event management and support

Oswestry public places

Charity support for organisations and individuals around Oswestry

Look up and around the environment

Environmental partners and organisations given local support.

Linda - Inspiring International Leader

Worldwide help, Mercy Ships, LendwithCare, and ShelterBox.

For Rotakids everywhere

Rotakids Clubs in the Oswestry district supported by Borderland Rotary

Borderland Rotary accepts donations

Rotary International Charity, and Purple-4-Polio eradicate polio worldwide.

Young citizens action

Local Youth initiatives and support

Busy in Oswestry

Volunteer with Variety and enjoy being involved -- We are looking for men and women to be part of what we do.

Helping out in the mist

An important part of Borderland Rotary achievements


Donations distributed to beneficiaries

Busy Oswestry

Support appreciated

Bonfire built by Borderland Rotary

Collection of past News, Media and Press
