Caring for the Carers ~ November 2007

Tue, Nov 27th 2007 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

We have just had a great Away Day with this group. Gerald, Phil and I joined nine youngsters (ages 9 to 16, boys and girls) and two staff members in their minibus and travelled to the Mersey Ferry and onwards to the Spaceport Ehibition at Birkenhead. The visit was great fun and the kids had a whale of a time!! All of them new each other from attending the Southport Carers club, and from having been to Anglesey at the Away Weekend. Its difficult to discribe a bunch of kids who are almost always dedicated to looking after either parents or siblings who are ill or otherwise handicapped. They all share that common weight of responsibility which must surely make for very old heads on very young shoulders.......but when they get together with only fun in mind....they all know how to do it ...and they become daft, noisy, happy least for a day. We were amazed at how very respectful and sensible they were when necessary (that Mersey Ferry journey could have been hairy if they hadn't been so good). We got to talk to the kids throughout the day and learnt some of their stories, all different but all about looking after members of their family. Suffice it to say we three had a great, if tiring day and felt very humble having been so close to such a bunch of little HEROES. We even had a very genuine vote of thanks on the bus given by one of the youngest. Our club paid for that outing (A mere £93) and the club should be aware of how much happiness that gift created. Well done Southport Links.

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at International Aid Trust


We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month


The Rotary Club of Southport Links support Carriacou


The Rotary Club of Southport Links Privacy Notice

President Robin Carter hands over the donation to Karen Brady

Southport Links Rotary donate £1,500 to the Bump it Forwards campaign

First up _ Brookfield School Preston

Its Christmas and we start our annual collection of shoeboxes from local schools


with help from Southport Links Rotary Club

The New Home

Dale Worthington attended the opening of the new home


Working with the young people on Merseyside.

Residents of Alexandra House enjoy a day out , thanks to Southport Links Rotary

Residents of Alexandra House enjoy a day out , thanks to Southport Links Rotary

Children In Need Collection, Tesco Kew, Southport

Our Fund Raising committee is probably the most important committee in the club - if we don't raise the money we can't help any good causes out when they need it.

Pupils at Churchtown Primary School and a van load of Shoeboxes

International and Foundation responsibilties are to look at what our club can do to help those in need outside the UK.


Our Youth Service committee are very involved with the schools and colleges in Southport.


The Rotary Club of Southport Links has a programme of regular "Speaker" meetings.

The Fellowship weekend in the Lake District

The Rotary Club of Southport Links has a very active social calendar.

The opening of The Tarleton Beer Festival

We are active with the local press and websites with a view to keeping Rotary in the mind of the general public

The Rotary Club of Southport Links District Quiz team on Sept 17th 2013 - the first round of this years quiz.

Our quiz team have been very successful in the 1180 District Quiz


A selection from the archives of The Rotary Club of Southport Links.


The Rotary Club of Southport Links support two Interact Clubs in Southport - one at KGV College and one at Greenbank School


The Rotary Club of Southport Links, Meeting apologies
