15th December Poppyfileds Wootton
Santa was delighted to be joined by Mike Reader MP for Northampton South when we went out on Sunday to tour Poppyfield Drive off the Newport Pagnell Road.
13th -22nd December Santa Daytime pictures at Tesco Mereway
Santa and his helper was full of energy at the begining of he daytime stint at Tesco at the weekend
After the weekend
Monday strted oout with blue skys!
13th December
Santa visited ut Lukes Primary School Duston were there was a wonderful turn-out to hear the pupils carol singing. Some gifts were presented to the singers and parents lined up to hae their childrens pictur taken with Santa.
11th December
Santa was delihted to see so many at Moulton Commuity Centre before setting off to visit families on some of the new estates in the Village.
30th November
Santa was please to meet with the Mayor of Northampton on the occasion for the Big Lights Switch On in the Market Square
He also visited Hunsbury Community Christmas Fayre where he met with MP for Northampton South, Mike Reader and the children
1st December Santa Fun Run
Great to see so many taking part raising funds for their favourite charities.