Business Meeting & Visiting Rotarians 18.00 for 18.30

Thu, Aug 10th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Dr. James Kyeyune (PhD) from the Rotary Club of Wobulenzi, Kampala, Uganda will address the Club and Visiting Rotarians from Callander and Stirling

Dr James and President Ivor exchange banners

A Rotarian visitor from Uganda. Dr. James Kyeyune (PhD) from the Rotary Club of Wobulenzi, Kampala, Uganda addressed the Club this evening. James also contacted other clubs in the area and we had visiting Rotarians from Callander and Stirling at the meeting. A further two visitors who have recently moved to Dunblane also attended and were keen to learn about Rotary.

Dr James had written to advise his Club was chartered in 2008, the Club ID is 79512, District 9213 and that he will is in Scotland from 30th July – 18th August 2023. “I will be in Scotland during that period and it will be a privilege of the highest order to me, the Club I represent and my country Uganda to share rotary experiences, and Mbabaali Memorial School for Orphans with you. Our Club is very small with 23 fully paid up committed members, and we are working hard to recruit more. We are located in a small village 30 miles away from Kampala city, which affects the growth of the Club”

Dr James' presentation explained the critical situation faced by the orphanage school which was founded 20 years ago by James' father.  Currently the school has a large cash and resources shortfalls.  Dr James handled questions from the floor and was thanked by past president David Chisholm.

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Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


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Club Diary, Programme & Duties
