Vocational Visit to Camphill Blairdrummond

Thu, Sep 8th 2022 at 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Vocational Visit to Camphill Blairdrummond
16.00 for visit, buffet tea at 18.00

Camphill Blair Drummond Visit

This afternoon we visited Camphill Blair Drummond. We had a super time meeting many members of their community. We heard some history and specifically the recent history of the Blair Drummond site. We heard about the work carried out on the site and experienced the vibrant buzz of the whole community

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


Here you will find Links to the Current Club Activity and Volunteering Sheets


How the Club Committees Work

Club Diary

Club Diary, Programme & Duties
