Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability - Malcolm Rooney - Thursday 4 February 2021 @ 18.45 for Chat 19.00 Meet

Thu, Feb 4th 2021 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Thursday 4 February 2021 @ 18.45 for Chat 19.00 Meet


Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability - Malcolm Rooney - Thursday 4 February 2021 @ 18.45 for Chat 19.00 Meet


It is an inescapable reality that global warming poses major environmental threats to the future of the planet’s eco-system.  So it was with great interest that the Club listened to a talk on climate change and environmental stability by Rotarian Malcolm Rooney, who is the Environmental Officer for Rotary District 1010.

Malcolm’s theme was that because of the many serious concerns about the consequences of the environmental threats being experienced at present, and with potentially worse outcomes in prospect, it is the responsibility of each individual to take steps to ensure that the environment is protected.  This, he described as ‘the Power of One’: that is, the ability of each of us, acting individually but with cumulative affect, to ensure that there is a world fit for our children and grandchildren.  We need to know, care and act.

Malcolm emphasized the reality of the threat to the environment in a global perspective, instancing rising sea levels and extremes of climate that could lead to infrastructure collapse, and various forms of pollution resulting in the potential extinction of species. Other significant dangers include flooding, drought and famine, and the spread of disease, with extreme weather threatening power outages, crippling hospitals and other vital services. Giving a local perspective, Malcolm said that the heavy rainfall attributed to global warming means that 300 houses in Bridge of Allan are currently at flood risk.

There is a moral, and, Malcolm argued, a legal responsibility on all of us to act in ways that will help to create environmental sustainability and, at the least, to reduce the various threats caused by a reckless disregard of the consequences of over-consumption and the unequal distribution of resources across the world.  We must all become more knowledgeable about the environment and more aware of our consumption of electricity, gas, and fuel.  We can, Malcolm suggested, use LED lights and turn down our thermostats; we can reduce our travel by car and aircraft; and we can support efforts to plant more trees and recycle more effectively.  We can also help by advocating steps that will create greater awareness of the need to protect the environment worldwide.  This, Malcolm emphasized, is what each individual can do: the Power of One.

For Rotarians, and others, Malcolm recommended the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG – website as a very useful platform for promoting and encouraging change, and for providing suggestions for implementing sustainable solutions. 

In his vote of thanks, Billy Phillips spoke of Malcolm’s evident enthusiasm and his encouragement for individuals to take positive action towards environmental improvement. 

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