7 November - Malawi Project- 25 Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade

Thu, Nov 7th 2019 at 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

7 November - Malawi Project-25 Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade


On a cold November evening, it was heart-warming for the Club to receive a report from the members of 25 Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’ Brigade on their recent expedition to Malawi. It was, coincidentally, almost exactly three years after a previous report on their 2016 expedition. The underlying objectives, as for the previous expedition, were to help build two classrooms and refurbish a further ten; and, in addition, to understand the lack of resources available in such an area, and to develop a sense of responsibility in terms of global citizenship.

Colin Anderson, leader of the group (as on the previous expedition), introduced the report by reminding Club members of the extraordinary efforts of the boys in 2015/16 in raising £70,000.  This time the target set had been raised to £90,000.  The challenge was daunting, but the boys had risen to it with imagination and great energy.  They had, Colin reported, come up with a quite amazing variety of money-raising ventures, including a number of sponsored physical challenges.  The upshot of all this effort was a staggering £113,000.  While it was expensive to travel to Malawi and to support the 17 boys and accompanying adults for the fortnight of the project, Colin was pleased to report that some 36 per cent of the money raised, just over £40,000, went in direct aid to Malawi.

Pasani in the south-east of the country, was the location for the building and refurbishment work, both aspects being completed within the available time.  But it was probably the contact with the local young people that particularly impressed the visitors.  “They are so happy, always smiling and full of friendliness, with so much energy.”  However, they noted that: “the houses are very small and dark, with people and animals having to share limited space”.  And there were other hardships, with those attending school having to walk as much as two hours each way, and getting only one meal a day, some of which was often shared with other members of the family.  “The contrast with life at home in Dunblane” they said, “was very noticeable.”  Further information and photographs of the project are available on www.facebook.com/dunblanebb. 

Speaker’s Host, Nick Rawlings, congratulated all involved in the successful project and thanked the presenters for a lively and comprehensive report.

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