Club Handover - Thursday 11 July @ 18.30 Westlands Hotel

Thu, Jul 11th 2019 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Club Handover - Thursday 11 July @ 18.30 Westlands Hotel

Club Handover - Thursday 11 July @ 18.30 Westlands Hotel

Prior to the main business of the Club’s Thursday evening’s meeting, retiring President John Kilby, together with the organizer of the Club’s Am-Am golf competition, Jim Gardner, presented the winner of this year’s first prize, Jane McDonald, with the Fourways Trophy.

In line with the established annual pattern, there was the formal handover of Presidency by President John Kilby to his successor Andrew Hilley.  In sequence, following this, David Chisholm and Russell Wheater took up their appointments as, respectively, President-Elect and President-Nominee.  There were also changes in other responsibilities as Stuart Brown took over from long-serving Secretary Iain Fraser, and Alan Lee passed over the responsibilities of Treasurer to Steve Bassett.

In welcoming his successor, President John reflected on a busy and successful year’s activity.  This success, he said, was a reflection of the willingness of members to give of their time to the various projects that had contributed to the local community and more widely.  For this, and for the support that he personally had been given during the year, he thanked members.  He was confident that the Club he was handing over to Andrew was in good heart.

Following the handover, President Andrew was warmly welcomed by members. He congratulated John on an excellent year’s activity.  In looking forward to another active year, his main message was that he would strive to ensure that the Club continued to thrive. It was, he said, important for the Club to keep in touch with the local communities of Dunblane and Bridge of Allan, to strengthen its membership and to maintain its focus on its public image and outreach. It should also build on existing excellent relationships with young people and continue to support the various youth activities that the Club has promoted. Looking more widely, the Club should also consider some further international engagement. Finally, he hoped members would continue to value and enjoy the fun and friendship that are central to Rotary membership.

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