Annual Debate with Stirling University Thursday 28 March @ 18.30

Thu, Mar 28th 2019 at 6:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Annual Debate with Stirling University Thursday 28 March @ 18.30

Thursday 28 March @ 18.30


On Thursday, the Club welcomed members from the University of Stirling Debating Society. As before, each debating team comprised a mix of Club and Debating Society members to ensure “a creative balance of youth and maturity”.

The first debate, chaired by Rotarian Peter Holmes, was “This House would make Stirling the capital of Scotland once again.”  Led by Michael Craig, the proposition dismissed in turn the claims of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee to be the capital city.  In the light of the palpable inadequacies of these cities, Stirling’s merits as a capital city shone out. Replying, James Douglas dismissed the claims for Stirling, and, amid laughter, advanced the claim of Newtonmore rather than Stirling to be the capital of Scotland.  There was, he said, wonderful scope for development there that could underpin the claim.  Put to a vote, the motion was defeated.

After a break for refreshment, the second motion, chaired by Lexi Ehresmann, was “This House believes that parents should support their children in striking and protesting.” The proposer, Euan Stainbank, argued forcefully for the rights of young people to be supported in expressing their opinions as a preparation for citizenship.  Countering this for the opposition, Dimitris Terzis maintained that young people could be in danger of being unduly influenced by parents and should, therefore, remain in “a neutral zone” until aged 16 or 17 to allow them to form their own opinions. After animated contributions from the floor, when put to the vote the motion was narrowly defeated.

President Nominee David Chisholm thanked all involved for an entertaining and lively evening. President Elect Andrew Hilley noted that this was the sixth year of the debate, and said he was particularly pleased that the enthusiasm of previous years had been maintained.

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