Winter Treat with QV Interactors Thursday 21 November 2018

Wed, Nov 21st 2018 at 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Winter Treat with QV Interactors Thursday 21 November 2018

Winter Treat with QV Interactors Thursday 21 November 2018

Club Members were out in the early evening collecting Senior Citizens and driving them up to QV school for the annual Winter Treat.

The QV Interactor pupils were out in full force and full uniforms to welcome their visitors and escort them safely to their seats for the show.  As usual the QV pipers were at the main entrance to pipe in each of the visitors.  Some of the guests came with their mobile phones to get 'selfies' with the pupils!

Rotarian and Senior teacher Jill Adams welcomed the audience and introduced  Slelpit Lug the main act for the night as they have been for nearly 20 years that the Treat has been run in the current format.  Guitarist and lead singer Craig Mair advised that he had almost a lost voice and asked the audience to take the lead which was performed with great volume.

After the first set the pupils provided tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat before the second half got underway with a set of dances from the pupils.  Skelpit Lug then had the crowd singing and clapping along before a smashing free raffle with prizes kindly donated by the staff at QV.

Interact President Anjipa thanked everyone for taking part and especially the audience and their helpers for attending.

Rotary President Elect Andrew Hilley thanked the Interactors for all the hard work they had put in and for their welcome and hospitality for all their guests.  He went on to thank Skelpit Lugg and everyone else that has contributed to a really super night.

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