Chas - an update from Alison Rennie

Thu, Jul 13th 2017 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Alison told us that CHAS were face lifting to Childrens Hospice Across Scotland

Following the sale of ducks for the annual Rotary Duck Race at the Fling, the Club presented a cheque for £4,500 to Alison Rennie of CHAS.  Alison thanked the Club for its generous support over fourteen years, help that is greatly appreciated.
Alison spoke to the Club about the extent of evaluation, thinking and planning which has informed the development plan for CHAS for the period 2017 to 2020.   Staff, volunteers, families and children were all encouraged to make an input into the final form of the plan. A major contribution to the planning was a commissioned survey that showed that some 2,200 families in Scotland will be in need of some direct support because of the deteriorating health of their child.   At present, current provision can meet only about one-third of this need.
Steps to address these needs are planned, and are already being put in place in the context of implementing CHAS’s 2017-2020 development plan.  There is, for example, agreement that the name of the organization will be changed from Children’s Hospice Association Scotland to Children’s Hospice Across Scotland, emphasizing that its goal is to reach every family in Scotland in need of support.   The current provision of its two hospices – Rachel House at Kinross and Robin House at Balloch – will increase, and there will be a major uplift in the support being given across the country by the CHAS at Home teams that provide local home care services.    
Inevitably, all this will require additional funding, particularly to allow for an increase in staff providing the necessary support. Of great encouragement in the development process has been the promise by the Scottish Government of additional financial support over the next six years. Public fundraising will, however, inevitably continue to be a mainstay of CHAS’s activity. 
To help highlight the changes in the development plan, children were encouraged to suggest ideas for the letters that will form the new logo, with its associated strapline carrying the uplifting message: Keep the joy alive.
Speaker’s Host, Rod Jones reflected on the very positive nature of the developments planned and was sure that all members would join him in wishing CHAS every success.  This wish was warmly endorsed. 

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