Annual Curling versus Stirling Rotary - Peak November 1 @ 18.15

Wed, Nov 1st 2017 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Annual Curling versus Stirling Rotary - Peak 18.15

Last night at the Peak saw a good evening of fun and friendship with the annual curling match with Stirling Rotary. Our skip Graham with stuart, Nick and Jim played Stirling skip Tom with Gordon, Martin and Alex while our skip Alan with Alasdaiir, Colin and Rod played Jim, John, Phillip and Stirling president Stewart. After 13 ends of close competition Dunblane emerged 17 - 5 winners.
Unfortunately the Christiansen trophy was not to hand, neither was there any battery power in the club camera so for your fun and enjoyment we have cobbled together a picture of the winning teams

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Club Diary

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