Visit by District Governor, Iain MacDonald

Thu, Oct 6th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

The Club was delighted to welcome the District Governor to the meeting at the Westlands Hotel last Thursday. Iain is a retired meteorologist and a member of Forres Rotary Club and was accompanied by his wife Winnie on their tour of all 88 Clubs in the District.

The club also welcomed Mark Bryce. Mark is a Station Officer with Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service and is one of four Rotary Group Study Exchange team members, sponsored by our District. The Club's own Peter Farr was recently appointed team leader and the group will be heading off to Australia early next year.

The thirty three members and guests were given a very entertaining report from Iain about his trip to San Diego, along with Winnie, to be trained in how best to perform his duties as a District Governor. He told the meeting that their "name tags" incorporated a microchip so that the organisers knew where each delegate was, and to ensure that they attended all the sessions, and that failure to do so could result in them being sent home immediately!!

The Club members were congratulated on their many and varied efforts. Iain was pleased to report that our District was ahead of target to raise $522,000 by June 2012 towards the Polio eradication programme which is being supported by a $355million donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Following the trip to San Diego, Winnie had decided to set up a charity to provide books and soft toys for the children benefiting from the services provided by the Children's Hospice Association Scotland. She told us that she expected to receive a few hundred, but has been overwhelmed by the response so far with over 4,500 books being donated by Rotary members within the District. This total was considerably increased by the collection made by the Club's members, which overflowed from a large cardboard box.

Secretary Graham Russell read a letter from Irene McKie, Chief Executive of Strathcarron Hospice, thanking the club for their recent presentation of £14650 from the Am-Am Golf. He also reported that 9 members had marshalled at the hospice's annual 10K run the previous Sunday.

Stuart Brown gave an update on progress of the Charity Auction to be held on 12 November and asked for support to gather in items for the auction.

Bill Sharpe confirmed details of the Christmas Concert to be held on 17 December in Dunblane Cathedral and was pleased to confirm Nicola Cassells would be the main performer.

John Kilby reported on plans for various activities for the New Generations programme, including Young Chef, Young Musician, Young Photographer and Young Artist competitions.

He also confirmed arrangements for the annual Winter Concert for Senior Citizens to be held on Wednesday 16 November at Queen Victoria School.

Senior Vice President Iain Smith closed the meeting by thanking all members and guests for their contributions and support.

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Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


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