Julie Christie - Town Break, Stirling

Thu, Aug 4th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Thursday's meeting in the Westlands Hotel was attended by 29 members.

President Rod Jones and members gave a warm welcome to Christophe Maertens and Francis Vandenberghe, visiting Rotarians from Belgium who are on holiday locally. Rod even went so far as welcoming the visitors in their native language.


President Rod with Francis Vandenberghe from the Rotary Club of Mouscron and Christophe Maertens from the Rotary Club of Deinze.

Also welcomed were Julie Christie and Robin Lang who were our guest speakers from the Town Break Stirling Group.

Julie, who is the Development Coordinator for Town Break, was the opening speaker, and started by asking the audience what they would reply if they were asked what "Dementia" meant to them. As none of the responses came close to the clinical definition, she then told us how widespread dementia was in the community, and how many sufferers were not diagnosed at an early stage.

She explained how Town Break operated both as a Day Club "drop-in centre" and as a respite option for carers, as well as providing a "befriending service" both at the day Club in the Baptist Church hall in Stirling, and provides support and companionship for people with dementia in their own homes. The volunteer befrienders are trained by the Group and matched to a dementia sufferer as a friend. They visit weekly to provide companionship and mental stimulation.

Robin, who has been a volunteer befriender for over 13 years, told us how, through personal experience with several members of his own family, he became involved. He highlighted how even people who had severe dementia responded very positively to singing of songs with which they were familiar, and also how many of them could still play dominoes!

Jim Gardner gave the vote of thanks.

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