Business Meeting

Thu, Jul 21st 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

This week was the first business meeting for new President Rod Jones. Apart from the normal reports from the various committee chairs, the main topic of discussion was how best the club could support the emerging famine disaster in the Horn of Africa. It was agreed that as this was an ongoing situation that the council should review the situation and report back to the membership what fund raising support would be most appropriate. 

Secretary Graham Russell reported that the new Club website was up and running and gave a quick tour of the features.

Ken Murray reported that ten members had assembled on a very wet evening at Stirling County rugby ground to have a beginners' course in archery from George Matthews and three very enthusiastic fellow members of the Bannockburn Bowmen who meet regularly at this venue. Despite the weather a very enjoyable time was had by all those present, and by the end of the two hour session many of the novices were not just hitting the target, but occasionally hitting the bulls eye!!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


Here you will find Links to the Current Club Activity and Volunteering Sheets


Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.


How the Club Committees Work

Club Diary

Club Diary, Programme & Duties
