Club Handover

Thu, Jul 7th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Last Thursday was Club handover where Past President Lawrie Orr gave a full report on his very successful year in office, including the recent successes of our Am-Am Golf competition at Dunblane New Golf Club that is expected to have raised around £14000 this year for Strathcarron Hospice, and the latest adventures of our crepe making squad during the Doune and Dunblane Agricultural show with a further £420 raised for charitable causes.  This latter successful team are now gathering themselves for a further session of batter making to delight the attendees at the forthcoming Bridge of Allan Highland Games on 7 August.

 Lawrie then handed over to incoming President Rod Jones who thanked Lawrie for all his excellent efforts over the last year before receiving the Presidential chain to mark the commencement of the new Rotary year.

The new club banners were also on display; carefully designed to give a pictorial element to the link the club creates between the two Allanwater communities.

 Members were reminded of the upcoming Russian evening at the Raploch Campus, the archery session at Stirling RUFC and the tours of the Battle of Bannockburn sites being held on Saturday and Sunday, led by member Ranald Shepherd.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


Here you will find Links to the Current Club Activity and Volunteering Sheets


Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.


How the Club Committees Work

Club Diary

Club Diary, Programme & Duties
