Fund raising

Money raised for St David's Hospice Care by the Terry Richards memorial dinner;money raised for Shelterboxes by pupils at Croesyceiliog School; handing a cheque for £17,000 for Alzheimers to Wales' First Minister, Carwyn Jones.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

advertising the event by display posters and on the internet.

Our first Boxing Tournament - hoping it will become an Annual Event .

meal with our  guest speaker before his presentation

members enjoying their meal before the guest speaker's presentation


The provision of vital information for use in the case of an emergency.

Croesyceiliog School Pupils with President Stuart Telling

Croesyceiliog School pupils competing in the Youth Speaks Competition on 12 January 2023.

Young pupils receiving their certificates

Young Musician Pupils from Croesceiliog School


President Carey welcoming another new Rotarian to the Club

The Club Members who set up and ran the coconut shy at the Henllys Village Fete on 9 July 2022

Club Members set up a coconut shy


. to continue making a difference it was decided to organise a “ Relay” Marathon along the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal to raise funds - average team age of 70 + and the oldest being in his 80s.


The Rotary Clubs within the Torfaen area chose some young citizens who having given considerable help within the community were worthy of an award.

Photo shows three willing Members giving a helping hand in the Sight Cymru's garden in Pontypool.

Happy gardeners giving a helping hand

The group of 5 in the over 80s section.

on 2 June there was increase in the 80 year old section. More to follow.

Presentation by President Stuart Telling to the Blood Bikers at the conclusion of their presentation

Blood bikers deliver blood etc between hospitals


Our famous Christmas Puddings Photo shows the official presentation made in March 2019 to the Prostate Cancer Charities in respect of the funds raised from the 2018 Appeal.

Remembrance Sunday Parade and laying of wreaths includlng a wreath from the RC of Cwmbran Vale

Members attended the Remembrance Service at Pontnewydd Cenotaph


The presenting of a donation on behalf of the Rotary Club of Cwmbran Vale being made to the Eastern Valley Foodbank.

Boxing Tournament  details

Second year for our planned boxing tournament


President welcoming a new member into Rotary

Past President Carey Glyde handing over to the incoming President Stuart Telling

Photographs of the Handover taken at the Glen-Yr-Afon House Hotel, Usk


Details of the assitance provided to the NHS and others. Photo shows President Alan unloading the van and delivering the goods

meeting at Goytre Wharf after the walk

Five Rotary Clubs walking the canal to raise funds for Blood Bikers Wales


an informal Club Presidential Handover on 1 July 2021 due to Covid restrictions.

New member with proposer  and President

New member , proposer and President

Enjoying the Jubilee Meal

Local Clubs met to celebrate 70 years of the Queen's Reign

The winning Rotary team with their medals

Raising funds for Sight Cymru on 29 September 2022

During the day members of the Rotary Club provided assistance in the  poppy collection for the British Legion . Sainsbury Store Cwmbran provided  the table, chairs and coffee ! Grateful thanks to all those who contributed during the day.

Members helping with the Poppy collection at Sainbury Store, Cwmbran


Presentation to Griffithstown Coronavirus Support Group Foodshare

President Stuart Telling welcoming the incoming President Mark Hembury to his term of office

Handover to the incoming President Mark Hembury at Glen Yr-Afon House Hotel.


the latest members to join Rotary on 14 October 2021

Our Club Team

District 1150 9th Annual Bowls Triples Competition


Money raised for St David's Hospice Care by the Terry Richards memorial dinner;money raised for Shelterboxes by pupils at Croesyceiliog School; handing a cheque for £17,000 for Alzheimers to Wales' First Minister, Carwyn Jones.

Pupils from all the Schools

Pupils competing in the Area Competition in Newport Civic Centre on 19 January 2023.


Presentation of awards to pupils


President Carey welcoming another new Member on 9 December 2021

President and President elect for the Rotary Year

President elect for the Rotary Year - Rtn Mark Hembury - being welcomed by President Stuart Telling

Presentation at Croesyceiliog School

Presentation by the Rotary Club of Cwmbran Vale

some members with principal guests

guests and members at the Parkway Hotel


glasses raised to the 80 years old youngsters
