Rotary Young Photographer Competition

Wed, Aug 5th 2020 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Enter the Aycliffe Rotary Young photographer competition.
£50 Amazon gift card prize for Rotary Aycliffe age group winners

Closing date for entries 30th November 2020

Enter the Aycliffe Rotary Young photographer competition.

Closing date for entries 30th November 2020


The Young Photographer Competition is a well-established and successful competition organised and promoted by Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I).

There are three stages to the competition, each designed to support and encourage the development of photographic skills. Some stages may have more than one round.

Aims and Objectives

The competition aims to encourage young people to:

· experiment with photography

· use digital and/or traditional methods of photography

· demonstrate interpretation of the topic

· express ideas through the medium of photography

Who can take part?

The competition is open to all schools and college communities and those who are home educated, along with any other young peoples’ community organisations, for example, community RotaKids, community Interact, Scout Groups, Girl Guides.

There are three age groups:

Junior: 7 to 10 years old

Intermediate: 11 to 13 years old

Senior: 14 to 17 years old

Entrants must not be over the upper age parameter for each group on 31 August 2020.

Please send entries to

(maximum 15MB per e mail)

Rules & information             20-21-Young-Photographer-Information-Pack.pdf

Gary BlenkinsoppContact Gary Blenkinsopp about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

ay, our President David Hogg visited Five Acres Community Garden and presented Manager, Charlote Iceton with a cheque towards their 'Fund a Fence' project.


Rotary was able to assist Great Aycliffe Cancer Care Group with the provision of a card reader for their newly opened hub.


Rotary Newton Aycliffe recently hosted a visit from volunteers of ManHealth.


At last, Rotary Newton Aycliffe’s very own group of Rotakids have been able to meet and discuss their plans for the future


During 2022, with the help of our County Councillors and funding from the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership - GAMP, Rotary Newton Aycliffe bought a trailer, and it was a natural progression to then make the decision to have a new Santa Sleigh.


A couple of months ago, Bernard Borsberry visited Rotary Newton Aycliffe to speak about his recent trip away and how he became interested in supporting youth football in a distant land.


This collage of photographs illustrate more graphically some of the things we have done and continue to do each year.


MRI Scanner Appeal and Unwanted mobile Phones for Polio Eradication
