Dinner speakers Alison & Kath from Play Cafe

Tue, Oct 22nd 2019 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Alison & Kath from the Play Cafe project giving a talk about their community work.

Rotary Newton Aycliffe were hosts last week to Alison and Kath, pictured with our President, Jean Thompson. They came along to tell us about the Play Cafe project which supports families with school aged children, who are at risk of experiencing holiday hunger or social isolation during the school holidays. The volunteers organise pop-up café events at venues in Newton Aycliffe, offering a meal, play and other activities free of charge. Play Café provides groceries for the whole family. replacing the missing free school meals and breakfasts, recognising that not only the children may go hungry. Families are referred to Play Café for a wide variety of reasons but usually because of low income. It is often combined with other tricky family circumstances which are made more acute without the structured support which our schools provide. Our members were very impressed with this amazing initiative, the community involvement and the partnership working it encompasses and perhaps it could be used as a model for other towns where there is a need for a similar service.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

During 2022, with the help of our County Councillors and funding from the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership - GAMP, Rotary Newton Aycliffe bought a trailer, and it was a natural progression to then make the decision to have a new Santa Sleigh.


A couple of months ago, Bernard Borsberry visited Rotary Newton Aycliffe to speak about his recent trip away and how he became interested in supporting youth football in a distant land.


ay, our President David Hogg visited Five Acres Community Garden and presented Manager, Charlote Iceton with a cheque towards their 'Fund a Fence' project.


Rotary was able to assist Great Aycliffe Cancer Care Group with the provision of a card reader for their newly opened hub.


Rotary Newton Aycliffe recently hosted a visit from volunteers of ManHealth.


At last, Rotary Newton Aycliffe’s very own group of Rotakids have been able to meet and discuss their plans for the future


This collage of photographs illustrate more graphically some of the things we have done and continue to do each year.


MRI Scanner Appeal and Unwanted mobile Phones for Polio Eradication
