Dropmore Football Festival 2013

The sixth Dropmore School Football Festival organised by RCBB

For the sixth year running the Rotary Club of Burnham Beeches organised the Dropmore Football Festival. The Football Festival is for children who are currently in the Reception 1 & 2 only and six schools entered.
Each Team played each other on a league basis and all games were extremely close and any shortage of skill was made up by effort and determination.The winners and undefeated team was Dair House,  and the Player of the Tournament was George Derbyshire of Dair House.
The weather was kind and the enthusiasm and pleasure shown by both the players and supporters made it one of the most enjoyable events organised by the Burnham Beeches Rotary Club

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We work in and around the Community in many ways - to help others with their projects and fund raising - some are featured here. We were recently presented with an Award from the Beeches Community Board in recognition of our work in the community.


If you want to use your talents and energy to improve the lives of others in the local community while making new friends, come along to one of our meetings or events to find out more.


Details of some of the events organised by Club members.


The 33rd Donkey Derby on Burnham Park was held on Saturday May 25th 2024 the weekend of the May Bank Holiday. A great family day out!


Our annual Burnham Beeches Rotary Charity Run became a VIRTUAL event and entrants took part during July to September 2022. The funds raised were donated to Shelterbox to help those affected by the Ukraine crisis.


One of the seven areas of focus for Rotary is Supporting the Environment. We take part in Rotary District organised events and work with schools and others in the community to promote awareness of environmental issues


Our Club's international activities
