Jubilee for Rotarians with the Pontiff in Rome

Chris and Joyce Pinnell were in Rome and made it to the Jubilee celebrations

From our Rome-ing Rotarian reporter Chris Pinnell;


Rome was the centre of attention for a very special occasion - when on April 30, 2016 Pope Francis celebrated the “Jubilee of Rotarians.”  Leading the assembly was Ravi Ravindran, our International President.

The 2016 Jubilee marks the time of forgiveness and reconciliation, a time of solidarity, hope and justice. It is a commitment to serve with joy and in peace with our brothers and sisters, and is being celebrated worldwide, following the leadership of Pope Francis.  The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy began on December 8, 2015

In Rome  on holiday with my wife Joyce, and we managed a small taste of the major celebrations.

A week earlier we had seen a youth Jubilee when over 10,000 Scouts, Guides and Youth organisations filled St Peters Square to hear from the Pope.  News items after-words reported of a 15yr old Guide, Anna Taibi, who went forward for a blessing and confession with one of the priests, to find it was her Pontiff that took confession.

On the Friday evening I was welcomed at Roma Sud Est Rotary Club, for a formal celebration dinner, with their twin club L'Aguila Rotary

Customary club greetings and banners were exchanged.

Our holiday tour took us to the Coliseum & Roman Forum, plus many Basilicas, monuments, the Vatican Museums, and to St Peters Square and Basilica.Rotary news coverage announced "Jubilations!

"Rotary International President K.R.Ravindran at the Vatican at the Jubilee of Rotarians. where around 9000 + Rotarians gathered on 30th April 2016 for the Jubilee Audience at the Vatican in St. Peter’s Square

Pope Francis thanked Rotary for its efforts to end polio and urges Rotary members to continue vaccination campaigns 

At the end of the Audience, a delegation of Rotary members - led by Rotary International President K.R. Ravindran - met Pope Francis where he emphasized the importance of vaccinations against polio and urged Rotary to continue.

Pope Francis follows Paul VI and John Paul II in connecting with Rotary to encourage their support of a more peaceful and compassionate world

On Thursday the banner from Roma  Sud Est ( nr 12441)- with the greeting from Presidente Claudio  Spalvieri will be Westhill President Colin Currie .

On our return, the greeting of Presidente Claudio Spalvieri and banner from Rotary Club Roma Sud Est (nr 12441) will be presented to Westhill Club President Colin Currie.


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New President Allan Wink with outgoing President Margaret Currie

Outgoing president Margaret Currie passed on the chain of office to new president Allan Wink who in turn welcomed Ash Major as vice president and Steve Portelly as vice president elect

President Margaret receives the chain of office from outgoing president Bob

President Bob Anderson handed over the chain of office to new President Margaret Currie at our handover night at the Holiday Inn, Westhill.


The first official game of Petanque at our new court in Westhill played against the Bon Accord Rotary club


Presidential handover 2024 Outgoing president Allan Wink passed on the chain of office to new president Ash Major who in turn welcomed Alison Forsyth as vice president


RIBI Young Environmentalist


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Where we came from......


Planting Crocus bulbs for Purple4Polio around Westhill by Rotarians, Westhill Beavers, Cubs & Scouts during October 2019.


Five voluntary organisations within Westhill partnered together, with support from the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership, to identify and engage with members of the community over 80 years old,


As in 2015, 2016 sees Westhill Rotarians putting their green fingers to good use. As well as looking after their own green patches the club members will be taken over responsibility for the hanging basket displays around the town.
