Rotary in Westhill & District Photo Galleries

Petanque in Westhill

Petanque in Westhill

The first official game of Petanque at our new court in Westhill played against the Bon Accord Rotary club

Presidential handover 2024

Presidential handover 2024

Presidential handover 2024 Outgoing president Allan Wink passed on the chain of office to new president Ash Major who in turn welcomed Alison Forsyth as vice president

Past Presidents Dinner 2024

Past Presidents Dinner 2024

Held at the Atholl Hotel, 13th April 2024

Presidential handover 2023

Presidential handover 2023

Outgoing president Margaret Currie passed on the chain of office to new president Allan Wink who in turn welcomed Ash Major as vice president and Steve Portelly as vice president elect

Presidential Handover June 2022

Presidential Handover June 2022

President Bob Anderson handed over the chain of office to new President Margaret Currie at our handover night at the Holiday Inn, Westhill.

Past President's Dinner 2022

Past President's Dinner 2022

After a 2 year sabbatical due to (you know what!) we finally managed to hold a Past President's Dinner

Rothiemay Day 2014

Rothiemay Day 2014

Rotary - Tea & Cakes at Blackhills Court

Rotary - Tea & Cakes at Blackhills Court

Some of the residents of Blackhills enjoy afternoon tea and cakes

Dufftown Highland Games

Dufftown Highland Games

We love to go a-wandering....well we take the bus actually!

Club BBQ 2016

Club BBQ 2016

Over 60 Rotarians and partners at Dot & Grant's for our now annual BBQ for the start of another adventure for 2016-17

Westhill Gala 2016

Westhill Gala 2016

Ashdale Field 4th June 2016

Past Presidents' Dinner 2016

Past Presidents' Dinner 2016

PP Russell and Sheila organised this year's dinner at the Craighaar Hotel.

Jubilee for Rotarians with the Pontiff in Rome

Jubilee for Rotarians with the Pontiff in Rome

Chris and Joyce Pinnell were in Rome and made it to the Jubilee celebrations

Blackhills Court

Blackhills Court

Well we did say we had to "Clean for the Queen"

Westhill RC Trailer takes to the road

Westhill RC Trailer takes to the road

Our new trailer makes its debut at our 2015 BBQ

Fun Fayre Stalls

Fun Fayre Stalls

A small range of stalls are available for hire for events. If interested contact club to learn of hire arrangements.(NON-COMMERCIAL ONLY) 2 additional stalls are available - "Tin Can" stall& "Coconut Shy" stall - photos to follow

Michty Mia

Michty Mia

Club members at the show at HMT

Cocktail Hour

Cocktail Hour

Our third outing with the cocktails...this time to Blackhills Court. The whisky cocktails seemed to go down a treat with the residents!

Crombie Primary School - Spring Clean

Crombie Primary School - Spring Clean

School quad clean up

Further Archive Photographs

Further Archive Photographs

Thanks to Peter T for the memories

Young Speaker of the Year 2015

Young Speaker of the Year 2015

Another great evening of talks from the kids from local primary schools

Young Musician of the Year 2015-16

Young Musician of the Year 2015-16

Competition for secondary school students from Westhill Academy at Trinity Church on 25th Nov 2015

Senior Citizens Xmas Party 2015

Senior Citizens Xmas Party 2015

over 150 Senior Citizens from our area were fed, watered and entertained at the Ashdale Hall

Shoeboxes 2015

Shoeboxes 2015

Westhill Rotary's 2015 collection for the Shoebox Appeal

Club Trip to Ikast Denmark

Club Trip to Ikast Denmark

details to follow

Fun Fair Stalls put to good use...Aug 2015

Fun Fair Stalls put to good use...Aug 2015

Fun Fair stalls out to 3 locations over the last weekend in August

Handover June 2015

Handover June 2015

President John Fraser hands over to our new President for 2015-16, Colin Currie

Westhill Gala 2015

Westhill Gala 2015

Casino in Action

Casino in Action

President John Fraser and others have been rolling the dice, turning the cards and spinning the roulette wheel at I&K Motors May-Hem weekend. Good job they are inside...Sat Ok but Sun pouring rain!!

Around the World in Music - Presentations

Around the World in Music - Presentations

Around the World in Music 2015

Around the World in Music 2015

Primary School Quiz 2014-15

Primary School Quiz 2014-15

Rotary Primary Schools Fun Quizs P4 to P7

Rotary Primary Schools Fun Quizs P4 to P7

Our annual fun quiz event for primary school pupils across our area. Over 300 pupils took part over 2 nights.

Mary's Meals Backpacks - Westhill Primary School 2014

Mary's Meals Backpacks - Westhill Primary School 2014

Organised by Ron Murdoch and his Youth Services committee, nearly 200 bags were collected from Westhill Primary. Many thanks to all the pupils who donated a bag and items for inclusion in other bags.

Young Speaker 2014

Young Speaker 2014

Our Young Speaker of the Year 2014 competition

Senior Citizens Party 2014

Senior Citizens Party 2014

Senior Citizens'Xmas Party held on Sun 7th Dec 2014 in Ashdale Hall Westhill

Fashion Show - Trinity Church Hall

Fashion Show - Trinity Church Hall

14th November 2014

Club BBQ at Grant & Dot Williamson's

Club BBQ at Grant & Dot Williamson's

Come in - come's nice to see you!!

Falkirk Wheel Visit 29th June 2014

Falkirk Wheel Visit 29th June 2014

A sunny summer outing by coach to the Falkirk Wheel and the Kelpies. A great day out....Pres Jim A's last year's duty...photographer. Thanks to Ian T for the photos. Hope they got back in relative sobriety!!....not too many stops for refreshment.....

Handover Night 27th June 2014

Handover Night 27th June 2014

President (2013-14) Jim Arbuckle handed over the presidency of the club to President (2014-15) John Fraser. President Jim thanked members and partners for the continuing success of the club over the past year. Their efforts had made his year a memorab

Westhill Gala 2014

Westhill Gala 2014

30th Charter Celebrations

30th Charter Celebrations

A great night....not the usual charter dinner! At the Ashdale Hall, Westhill on 23 May, some 160 people gathered to celebrate the 30th Charter Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Westhill & District.

Caught on Camera 2013-14

Caught on Camera 2013-14

Tim Baillie Commemorative Feature

Tim Baillie Commemorative Feature

Tim officially unveiled the feature on Mon 21st October. President Jim Arbuckle asked Tim to unveil the feature ( see photo gallery ) in appreciation of his Olympic success in London 2012.

Primary Schools Quiz 2014

Primary Schools Quiz 2014

Eight teams from Westhill, Echt and Skene took part in the Rotary Primary School Quiz, which was held at Trinity Church, Westhill on 11 March

Little Drops Charity Project

Little Drops Charity Project

Abdul & Pavithra, our sponsored students are continuing to do well at the school. Pavithra is getting A& B grades for her term exams ; Abdul is getting B & C grades. Pavithra loves to talk in English and usually talks incessantly!!. She is growing

Young Musician of the Year 2014

Young Musician of the Year 2014

19 talented entertainers 19 performing students from Westhill Academy This year's performers were "brilliant"...not an evening to have missed.

Senior Citizens' Xmas Party 2013

Senior Citizens' Xmas Party 2013

Senior citizens of the district enjoy their party at Ashdale Hall...special operatic interlude!!

Recycling of Contents of First Aid Kits

Recycling of Contents of First Aid Kits

Re-cycling of medicines and surgical sundries from offshore kits for the benefit of other international communities

Echt Primary

Echt Primary

Echt Primary school pupils compete in a "Scots Verse celebration" Judges Rotarians John A & Adam dae they ken??

Primary Schools Fun Quiz

Primary Schools Fun Quiz

Club News

Club News

Caught on Camera 2013 - Session 1

Caught on Camera 2013 - Session 1

Young Speaker of the Year 2013-14

Young Speaker of the Year 2013-14

Westhill and district Schools and Mary's Meals

Westhill and district Schools and Mary's Meals

28/09 Rothiemay day

28/09 Rothiemay day

Our thanks to Ian & Maureen Traquair for a great ( and different ) day out at Rothiemay House

13/09 Charity Golf Event Sept 2013

13/09 Charity Golf Event Sept 2013

06/09 Welcome Back - Ikast Visit

06/09 Welcome Back - Ikast Visit

Westhill Academy - Rotary Focus

Westhill Academy - Rotary Focus

Trying to get the youth involved needs us to advertise our supported activities. John A with his usual talent keeps the students at the Academy informed through his comprehensive display on our Academy noticeboard.

15/08 And they say Rotarians don't have fun!!!

15/08 And they say Rotarians don't have fun!!!

It started out as a plan to move our Funfayre stalls and then it just got out of hand......We must be working them too hard!!Thanks to Grant Williamson for the storage.

08/08 Westhill Pennyfarthing Club

08/08 Westhill Pennyfarthing Club

Westhill Rotarians get fit....cycling for the "oldies".....weekly trips out on the bike usually to the old railway cycle tracks. No rainy day outings included. If you want to join in get a bike and give us a phone. All Westhill Rotarians welcome!!!

06/08 John A - ITMA in Rotary

06/08 John A - ITMA in Rotary

Does he ever stop?

Handover 2012-13 to 2013-14

Handover 2012-13 to 2013-14

President Iain McCombie handed over the "reigns" to President Jim Arbuckle at the Broadstraik Inn. Two PHF were awarded to Morag Simpson & George Morrison. Les May received the first "Rotarian of the Year" award

Primary School Chess Challenge

Primary School Chess Challenge

Rotarian Rev Matthew Rodger pulls off another successful season for the Westhill & District Primary Schools Chess after-school classes

Donation to Skene Medical Practice

Donation to Skene Medical Practice

Club Archive

Club Archive

A photographic journey through the life of our club

Primary Schools Fun Quiz

Primary Schools Fun Quiz

Caught on Camera

Caught on Camera

Adult Community classes through Westhill Centre. Rotarian John Abercrombie pulls off another fantastic photographic competition based on the life and times in Westhill

Shoebox Collection

Shoebox Collection

Schoolchildren at Crombie School donate Shoeboxes full of goodies to be sent to less well off children in Eastern Europe

Community & Vocational

Community & Vocational

As in 2015, 2016 sees Westhill Rotarians putting their green fingers to good use. As well as looking after their own green patches the club members will be taken over responsibility for the hanging basket displays around the town.

Rotary Young Speaker of the Year

Rotary Young Speaker of the Year

Another year....another success. Great confidence from the participants on a wide range of subjects

Westhill greets the Olympians 16/Sept

Westhill greets the Olympians 16/Sept

Sunday 16th Sept and the Aberdeen / Aberdeenshire Olympians are welcomed to the town. A sunny day turned into a cold downpour just as the Olympians arrived. Crowds cheered as the team members shook hands with the crowd and had their photos taken.

RYLA Students Presentation 2012

RYLA Students Presentation 2012

Thu 13 Meeting saw our RYLA students Emma Ferguson and Sarah Williamson talk of their expences at this year's camp.

Club BBQ :8 Sept

Club BBQ :8 Sept

Thanks to Mike & Rhona Livingstone and the hard work of the 2 Johnies and partners, Bob Anderson managed to organise a great day on Sat 8th Sept. Matthew's intervention provided the good weather and a great time was had by all (photographs J Glascodine

Club Handover Night June 2012

Club Handover Night June 2012

President Iain McCombie takes over the office from John Glascodine

Westhill Jubilee Party : 2012

Westhill Jubilee Party : 2012

Westhill Rotarians and wives provide a celebration party for the senior citizens of Westhill on the occassion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Drinks and eats were provided. TV coverage provided on a big screen and live entertainment provided by Rotarians

Westhill Gala 2012

Westhill Gala 2012

Thanks to John Abercrombie and Peter Tong for extending the range of "funfair stalls". As usual the gala was well supported by Rotarians and wives in manning the stalls. Particular thanks to the wives who again sold cakes, sweets and other catered items.

Westhill Gala 2011

Westhill Gala 2011

Club Handover Night 30 June 2011

Club Handover Night 30 June 2011

President Eddie (allergic to anything tomato) is presented with a special "tomato" cake on handing office over to John Glascodine

Young Photographer of 2011

Young Photographer of 2011

Rotary Primary School "Fun" Quiz Feb 2011

Rotary Primary School "Fun" Quiz Feb 2011

GSE Team Visit from District 7950 - Cape Cod USA     October 2010

GSE Team Visit from District 7950 - Cape Cod USA October 2010

Visiting team on trips to Aberdeen Town House, Crathes Castle and Royal Lochnagar distillery

Westhill Charity Golf September 2010

Westhill Charity Golf September 2010

Fellowship Exchange Visit September 2010

Fellowship Exchange Visit September 2010

Visitors and members enjoy the BBQ after the day spent at the Braemar Gathering

GSE Team from District 7150 (New York State)

GSE Team from District 7150 (New York State)

Bridge building at Wonolagi

Bridge building at Wonolagi

Our international project in Indonesia takes giant steps forward with the building of a footbridge between the village and the school.....all closely monitored by Bob Orskov.

Handover 2007

Handover 2007

All change at the top
