GSE Team Visit from District 7950 - Cape Cod USA October 2010

Visiting team on trips to Aberdeen Town House, Crathes Castle and Royal Lochnagar distillery

Team Leader Bill Tennant, Jennifer Martin, Bianca Policastro, Stephanie Sharkey and Savannah Brehmer visit the club between Oct 10th and 13th; hosted by Peter Tong, Mike Tolstyko, David Jackson, John Glascodine and Grant Williamson.

During their visit the team members participated in vocational visits, toured Aberdeen and surroundings and enjoyed an evening curling at Aberdeen Curl. Team members and hosts had a civic visit to Aberdeen Townhouse where they were met by the Lord Provost, visited Crathes Castle and toured Royal Lochnagar distillery before attending the Westhill Club's weekly meeting at the Broadstraik where they gave a very interesting presentation on themselves, families, vocations and their home states.

The club's particular appreciation goes to Peter Tong for arranging the team's visit to Westhill.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Margaret receives the chain of office from outgoing president Bob

President Bob Anderson handed over the chain of office to new President Margaret Currie at our handover night at the Holiday Inn, Westhill.


Presidential handover 2024 Outgoing president Allan Wink passed on the chain of office to new president Ash Major who in turn welcomed Alison Forsyth as vice president


RIBI Young Environmentalist

New President Allan Wink with outgoing President Margaret Currie

Outgoing president Margaret Currie passed on the chain of office to new president Allan Wink who in turn welcomed Ash Major as vice president and Steve Portelly as vice president elect


The first official game of Petanque at our new court in Westhill played against the Bon Accord Rotary club


Find out who we are and what we get up to....... never know we might be just what you're looking for.


Where we came from......


Planting Crocus bulbs for Purple4Polio around Westhill by Rotarians, Westhill Beavers, Cubs & Scouts during October 2019.


Five voluntary organisations within Westhill partnered together, with support from the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership, to identify and engage with members of the community over 80 years old,


As in 2015, 2016 sees Westhill Rotarians putting their green fingers to good use. As well as looking after their own green patches the club members will be taken over responsibility for the hanging basket displays around the town.
