We took a decision not to run the Shoebox Scheme in 2023 but relaunched in a slightly different format in 2024. Local primary schools were invited to participate to fill the empty shoeboxes, either individually or collectively, with gifts for any age group from babies to the elderly. Shoeboxes were distributed to participating schools in September and collected in November and December. We collected almost 900 boxes.
This year we decided to distribute boxes to local people in need through such charities as Chiltern Foodbank, Aylesbury Women’s refuge, Hilltop Ukranian Support Communtiy and Inspired Bucks.
Our picture shows the children from Little Apples Pre-School in Speen with the shoeboxes they collected. [Photo reproduced with kind permission of the School Bursar]
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Santa is busy putting his schedule together for December. Watch this space for more information shortly!!
moreTickets now available for our Racenight in Great Missenden Memorial Hall on the evening of Saturday 26 April
moreMany thanks to all the residents of Great Missenden, Prestwood, Hyde Heath, South Heath and Little & Great Kingshill who turned out in force to welcome Santa just before Christmas.