2024 Subscription Quiz

Sign up for our 2024 "Continents" subscription quiz !


The 2024 Subscription Quizzes are themed Continents!



The Hitchin Priory Rotary Club’s 2024 Subscription Charity Quiz is now well underway and we have already had a large number of kind people who have taken out a subscription for the year. A big thank you to Robert Girvan who masterminds (or should one say blows our minds?!) with these quizzes. Where does he find these devilish questions?


For those of you who have attempted to solve his second offering for the 2024 Continent themed quiz relating to the Americas we have now received all your answers and there were 50 entries, with 17 all correct.  

The winner of the Americas Quiz was Robert and Catherine Dick, from St Ives. Their winning tie-breaker was "beer hidden in badger's burrow" = Seattle (ale +sett). Congratulations to Richard and Catherine.   

In the meantime here are the answers to the Americas Quiz


1 Capital by post from Africa (4) Lima anagram

2 Boulder (6,4) Little Rock

3 Did Donald meet Stormy in this lewd area? (8) Delaware anagram

4 Brother Benedict’s connection with Oxo (4,6) Fray Bentos

5 Stir cacao into hot water to make this (5,4) Costa Rica anagram

6 Offshore recreation area for rabbits (5,6) Coney Island

7 This place costs most of a Rupee (4) Peru

8 Never stationary (6) Mobile

9 Van Gogh, minus ear, makes something of it (8) Suriname anagram

10 Sounds like a music hall troupe - Murray, Capp & Pandy (5) Andes

11 This area is unique because of what it contains (6) Quebec

12 To get high, quit our quiz (5) Quito

13 What place connects JR with JFK (6) Dallas

14 Mrs Brown? (8) Victoria

15 The falconer arranges a hawk’s ascent (12) Saskatchewan anagram

16 Donald loves owning hats or caps of all sorts (10) Washington anagram

17 Gabriel trips (5,5) Angel Falls

18 Were Benny and Officer Dibble top cat people? (12) Popocatepetl anagram

19 Fighting female online retailer (6) Amazon

20 Not Old Lancaster’s opponent? (3,4) New York

21 Is this where diners hold a poultry meet (5,6) Rhode Island anagram

22 Workshy rolling old man (11) Mississippi

23 Elizabeth is in a mess without her hat(6) Belize

24 This is where they race fried chickens? (8) Kentucky

25 Where to find a lost, lone yew amongst the other trees (11) Yellowstone anagram

26 Did sweet Miss Brown come from the USSR? (7) Georgia

27 You finish up here when the main boat breaks up (8) Manitoba anagram

28 Holmes’s housekeeper’s holiday retreat (6,3) Hudson Bay

29 Did Babbage ask if Lovelace could? (6) Canada

30 And this sounds like the answer (6) Alaska

31 Had the inhabitants ever seen an elephant’s eye? (8) Oklahoma

32 The Welshman went here again, atop his ship (9) Patagonia anagram

33 This is where river banks are found in a bit of a state (8) Nebraska anagram

34 Where is the train at platform 29, Pennsylvania station, going (11) Chattanooga (choo choo)_

35 Tom Hanks’s cheesiest film (12) Philadelphia

36 Where Charley’s aunt (and nuts) come from (6) Brazil

37 A dream tag team - Marciano and Balboa? (7) Rockies

38 American Womble (7) Orinoco

39 Obtain a divorce here no problem (4) Reno

40 Get on a horse, hurry, in greater numbers (5,8) Mount Rushmore

41 Ecuadorian hat (6) Panama

42 Barbie can holiday here (9) Caribbean anagram

43 But this is where Frasier slept well (7) Seattle

44 Did the Americans ever get over Monty Python(7) Vermont

45 Best place to park your boat offshore (9) Anchorage

46 Was this the favourite dance of Gatsby and his friends (10) Charleston

47 Jeanne D’Arc could start again here (3,7) New Orleans

48 Visual medium displaying famous male strippers (10) Montevideo

49 Not crying, but moist eye spotted in park (8) Yosemite anagram

50 Somehow they will love Morris, but detest Austin (6,6) United States anagram

Our next Continent themed Quiz, Asia, is now available. If you haven’t already signed up for our 2024 quizzes you can do so for £4 which will also include a subscription for our famous Christmas Charity Quiz!


All receipts (less prizes) for the subscription-only quizzes will go to charities which Hitchin Priory Rotary Club supports throughout the year.  The Christmas Quiz money, less prizes and any unsponsored printing cost, will go to nominated charities and we will continue to sell this quiz sheet to the general public through this website and other local outlets.


Thank you if you have subscribed for this year but whether or not, please consider a voluntary donation.




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1.      Only one answer to each question will be allowed but an obvious clearly marked correction will be accepted.

2.      The utmost care has been taken to ensure that the answers are correct and unambiguous.

3.      The decision of the Club is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the results.

4.      The winning entry will be announced  at the Hitchin Priory Rotary Club meeting after the closing date. 

5.      In the event that no entries are received with all the answers correct, the prize will be awarded to that entry submitted which has the highest number of correct answers.

6.      In the event of a tie a panel of judges from the Hitchin Priory Rotary Club will determine the best answer to the tie-break clue submitted.

7.      The organisers will notify the winner as soon as possible after the result is declared.

Robert GirvanContact Robert Girvan about this page:

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