Joint Rotakids Event 2024

Three groups meet together in Brampton

Warwick School Rotakids Group 1

Joint Rotakids Meeting

A joint Rotakids meeting was held at Brampton Community Centre on 13th March attended by Rotakids Groups from Hayton, Rockcliffe and Warwick Bridge schools.  The event was supported by Link Teachers and also the Rotakids Mentors from Brampton & Longtown Rotary. 

The main activity of the event was around the Human Fruit Machine which is something that Rotary have used occasionally as a fun fundraiser over the years.  It was demonstrated to the pupils who were then split into three groups from different schools.   They were set a planning task to consider how they would source the materials needed to build a Human Fruit Machine, say how they would use the Machine in a fundraising event, and finally consider what they should plan to help make the event successful.

Each Rotakids group present will receive a £50 donation for their chosen charity from Brampton & Longtown Rotary.  Hayton and Rockcliffe Groups are supporting Jigsaw, Childrens Hospice.

There has been some very positive feedback from the teachers and pupils about the joint event.

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Warwick School Rotakids Group 1

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