Rotakids raise over £3000 for charities

A roundup of Rotakids Groups in the Brampton & Longtown area for the 2022 to 2023 school year

We have six Rotakids groups based at Fir Ends, Hayton, Irthington, Rockcliffe, Warwick Bridge and Wreay schools who are mentored by members of Brampton and Longtown Rotary. 

The groups meet in a variety of ways including during school assembly, during lessons or at the end of the school day depending upon the school, and the Rotakids are drawn from Years 5 and 6 or just Year 6. 

This project is popular with schools as it introduces pupils to skills they will find very useful in later life such as decision making, teamworking and planning.

Their main activity is organising events to raise funds for their chosen charity.  They have a  committee made up of four roles which are Chair Person, Link Person (who communicates with parents and the outside world), Secretary & Treasurer.

During the year the Rotakids Groups have been very active.  

Fir Ends Rotakids raised £390 for Guide Dogs for the Blind by holding three events comprising Designing a Card, a Funky Hair day, and a Film Screening. 

Hayton School had three Rotakids Groups.   Group 1 raised approximately £430 for James Rennie School from a Film Screening with refreshments.  Group 2 raised approximately £252 for Cancer Research from a combined Pyjama Day, Guess the Teddy and Tuck Shop, and then an Afternoon Tea for the local villagers. Group 3 raised over £800 for the Great North Air Ambulance Service from a day of sports activities and a book sale.

Irthington Rotakids chose the British Heart Foundation and Epilepsy Action as their chosen charities.  They raised £375 from four events which were a Lucky Dip, Halloween Disco, Rotakids Go Red event and an Easter Flower Drive.

Rockcliffe Rotakids  selected the  Carlisle Foodbank as their charity and raised £500 from a sponsored swim.  In addition they provided food donations.  This group also helped plant purple crocus bulbs in the village to help with publicity for the Rotary Polio Eradication project.

Warwick Bridge Rotakids raised £493 from four events i.e. Cake Sale, Teacher Day, Marrybo Day, £2 Double Challenge for Jigsaw Childrens Hospice.  This group also received £50 for their charity by giving the best presentation at our Joint Rotakids meeting between Hayton, Rockcliffe and Warwick Bridge Groups during the year.

Finally Wreay Rotakids also selected Carlisle Foodbank and raised  £70 from a games stall at their  Summer Fair, and also provided lots of food donations.

Well done to all the Rotakids Groups!

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