Warwick Bridge School's Got Talent

An annual event

Warwick Bridge Schools Got Talent  - Winners

Warwick Bridge’s Got Talent is one of the highlights of the year for the Rotakids

One of the final events of the school year was hosted by the Rotakids Group at Warwick Bridge School. Pupils at the school showed off an array of talent from unaccompanied solo singing, guitar and piano playing through to colourful, flexible and energetic gymnasts at the Annual Warwick Bridge Got Talent event. 

This annual event has been running since 2016, is organised and judged by the Rotakids group and is open to the whole school.  The pupils and teachers gathered together in the afternoon with all classes voting separately for their favourite acts.   The results were then collated and combined to decide the overall results. 

Congratulations went to everyone who performed, giving the audience a real treat on the afternoon. Prizes were given to 1st Place Georgia, Comedian (Year 6), 2nd Place Harper, Singer (Nursery) and 3rd Place Reception Dancers (Reception).

Ian Forth, Rotakids mentor from Brampton & Longtown Rotary, said “Over the nine years of being a Rotarian some of my most memorable and entertaining times have been serving on the Youth Committee and mentoring potential future Rotarians at an early age.  The joy on the young Rotakids faces as their plans and hardwork come together, building their confidence and ability, is amazing to see.” 

Mark Ashton, Head teacher said “We have had two Rotakids groups this year and as well as raising funds for Jigsaw, their chosen charity of the year, the extra skills they learn are invaluable as they prepare to move up to secondary school.   Warwick Bridge’s Got Talent is one of the highlights of the year for the Rotakids.”

Rotakids Groups are often based in junior schools and are a great way for the youngsters to make friends, become involved in projects and fundraising in their local communities whilst learning about citizenship.  The different Rotakids groups decide upon their own activities, whilst having fun, and are supported by their teachers and the local Rotary club.  

As these schools prepare for the summer break and everyone has a well deserved rest, Rotary looks forward to the new talent arriving at schools in September and aspiring to be Rotakids of the future.

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Warwick Bridge Schools Got Talent  - Winners

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