Rotary Young Writer Competition

Young people in Irthington, Warwick Bridge and Rockcliffe writing about Peace

Rotary Young Writers write about Peace

Pupils from Warwick Bridge, Rockcliffe and Irthington Schools took part in a Young Writer Competition organised by Brampton & Longtown Rotary Club recently.  They were tasked with writing a piece of poetry or prose on the subject of Peace.   

Over 150 entries were received and the standard was high, which provided the three  judges Ena Hutchinson, John Langley and Liz Forth with  quite a challenge.  John Langley said ‘All the entries we read were really good, we enjoyed reading them.  I hope the pupils enjoyed writing them and will  write some more.”  He wrote a poem to read out at the prizegiving called ‘Poetry is for Everyone’.  

The prizegiving events took place at Rockcliffe, Irthington and Warwick Bridge schools with the winners and runners up receiving book vouchers.

List of winners :
Warwick Bridge Primary School – Key Stage 2 - Tilly (best in school), Jasmine.
Rockcliffe CE Primary School - Key Stage 2 - Emma (best in school), Lottie, Harry, George.  Key Stage 1 – Millie, Oliver, Lucy.
Irthington Village School - Key Stage 2 - Sadie (best in school), Ashley, Ariana, Jessie.  Key Stage 1 – Theo, Molly.

The overall winner was Tilly of Warwick Bridge School, and her entry has been submitted to the Rotary in Cumbria and Lancashire District Competition.   They are currently waiting to hear the outcome of this competition.

Peter Sedgwick, organiser of the event said “The standard and high number of entries has been very rewarding this year, and we have seen the enjoyment and dedication of those taking part.  We are very grateful to the three schools and the judges for supporting this annual event.”

Peter SedgwickContact Peter Sedgwick about this page:

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Tilly (overall winner), Peter Sedgwick (organiser) and Jasmine.

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