Rockcliffe Rotakids planting crocus bulbs

Raising the profile of Rotary's polio eradication programme

Rockcliffe Rotakids planting crocuses

Update 29 February 2024 - See our latest picture of the crocus bulbs in bloom.

At the beginning of November 2022 seventeen Rotakids from Rockcliffe School along with their teachers planted 1000 crocus bulbs opposite the school.   The pattern was dug out by Rotarian Tony Parrini from Brampton & Longtown Rotary Club, and then the youngsters undertook the planting and replaced the divots of turf themselves.  They are looking forward to the spring when there should be an excellent display of colour.

The planting of crocus bulbs is used by Rotary Clubs around the world to raise awareness of their campaign to rid the world of polio.  The campaign to eradicate polio has been running for more than 35 years.   Polio cases have been reduced by 99.9 percent since Rotarys first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979.

Rotakids Groups are often based in junior schools and are a great way for the youngsters to make friends, become involved in projects and fundraising in their local communities whilst learning about citizenship.  The different Rotakids groups decide upon their own activities, whilst having fun, and are supported by their teachers and the local Rotary club.  

Headteacher at Rockcliffe School, Amanda Lee said “this activity was the first for our Rotakids Club and we hope that through this school year the Club will learn more about themselves by organising and running their own fund raising activities for the benefit of others”.

Further details about Rotarys polio campaign

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Rockcliffe Crocus Bulbs in bloom 2024

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