Visit to Tropical Garden - Sandys Chiddingfold - Jack Salway

Thu, Aug 12th 2021 at 5:45 pm - 9:00 pm

On to the Crown Chiddingfold for food, choose and pay on the night.

The visit will be to the garden at 5.45pm for 6.00pm on THURSDAY 12th Aug.
Entrance to the garden is via the recreation ground car park in Coombe lane Chiddingfold GU8 4QR
See map from Rob for entrance details.
After the visit to the garden we will go to the Winterton Pub for food, this will be outdoors.
Guests welcome.

Please  add your name and guests to the Attendance Form

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Steve Lovell Joke book


In support of our Charities.


Our fundraising this year is aimed at:-


President Ken & Richard Running the Great South Run in aid of our Charities.


Non-members wishing to be Friends of Haslemere Rotary
