Annual Skittles Night

Thu, Jan 23rd 2020 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Held at the Black Fox Liphook

Annual Skittles Night

Skittles at the Black Fox 19.00 for 19.30 kick off

Organised by John Peterson

Menu Choices

Fish & Chips

Herb Pork Sausages Chips & Beans

Southern Fried Chicken, Chips, and Beans

Beef Chilli and Rice,

Mushroom Risotto and Crusty Bread

To add your food choice please go to the attendance form on the Members Only Area of the website.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Steve Lovell Joke book


In support of our Charities.


Our fundraising this year is aimed at:-


President Ken & Richard Running the Great South Run in aid of our Charities.


Non-members wishing to be Friends of Haslemere Rotary
